Chapter 18

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"Hey Niall, can I ask you something?" Asked Louis.

They're in the kitchen right now. After their talk, Niall's tummy grumbled making Louis laugh. He told Niall to eat but Niall refused saying he's not really hungry. But Louis forced him.

Niall hummed in response.

He didn't tried to talk because a lot of food is in his mouth and that made Louis smile.

"Where have you been this past few days?" Louis questioned.

This made Niall choke. Louis ran to Niall's side, since he's sitting in front of him, and rubbed his back. Niall drank the whole glass of water and coughed a few times.

"Are you okay now, Ni?" Louis' still rubbing Niall's back.

"Y-yeah." Answered Niall.

"I'm just wondering because you know, you've been gone for a couple of days. We didn't had any single clue of your whereabouts."

Niall turned away, fumbling with the hem of his shirt.

"Oh, I though you wouldn't notice."

This made Louis' eyebrow meet in the middle. He turned Niall's face to him.

"Do you really think we don't care about you?" He said.

"I-it's not that. It's just that, you were all so caught up in all these fiasco and well, yeah..."

Niall turned away from Louis again.

"Niall don't ever think like that. We may be so caught up in all these fights of ours but that doesn't mean we already forgot about you."

Niall turned to Louis and smiled. He then continued eating.

"Besides, we're not allowed to go outside alone but you did. Just when I thought you're supposed to be our role model."

This made Niall laugh.

"I'm sorry. I just really needed some fresh air." Niall said still laughing.

"Yeah and if ever I smell something unpleasant in the air, it's you." Louis said jokingly.

"Hey, why me?" Niall is still giggling.

"You've been eating lots of potatoes and you're laughing so hard. I bet, sooner or later you'll fart."

And they both laughed so hard. When suddenly both of them heard something. They stopped laughing and turned to face each other. Suddenly, Louis screamed.

"Oh my gosh, Niall! You farted! You really farted! And in front of Louis, the Tommo, Tomlinson!"

And then Louis started to ran around screaming, "Niall just farted! Eeeeew! He farteeed!"

And Niall is just sitting there dying of laughter and he's holding his tummy because it hurts like hell, his whole face so red.

"O-oh come on, L-Lou! I-it's not that bad!" Niall can't even form a sentence due to laughing.

"Of course not! It's so bad I'm dying!"

And they both continued to laugh, not really knowing if it's because of Niall's fart or what but they continued until tears are in their eyes.

"I can't believe it Lou! You're laughing!" Niall exclaimed.

"And so are you my dear friend!" Louis said back.

"I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard." Louis stated, still laughing a little.

"Yeah..." Said Niall.

He wanted to add the words 'me too', but he just can't. And he doesn't know what's stopping him.

"Hey Ni?" Louis turned to him.

"Yeah?" Niall turned to Louis too.

"Thanks mate. Thank you very much."

Niall stared at Louis long and sad. Louis is about to ask Niall why his mood suddenly changed when he smiled at him again, cheerfulness back in his face.

"No worries."

And Niall continued to eat. And Louis continued to talk. And after everything that happened, Niall can't help it but feel happy and perfect.

He just laughed. A real laugh. And now, he's having a good conversation with Louis. And lastly, Louis found out his secret and he's not angry nor disgusted. He accepted him.

Selfish way of thinking, yes. Feeling happy because even a very little bit fate seems to be with him. While others are still suffering.

But he can't stop it. And he wished people can understand him. He wish his mother can understand him. He wish Zayn and Liam can understand him. He wish Harry understand him.


Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors.

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