Chapter 27

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Niall is numb.

No word can describe him better than that. He's like a battery, drained. He's like the Sahara Dessert, so dry. He's like the color grey, so dull. His head is blank.

He started to walk, with rain still pouring hard. His knees are wobbly but he still managed to get up though he always stumble after a few steps. He'll trip and he'll stand up, he'll trip and he'll stand up.

He kept on tripping on things- rocks, big roots of the trees on the park, bottles... And he doesn't feel the pain. Because like what I said earlier, he's numb.

He kept on walking like a blind man, stumbling every now and then. He have been collided with several people when he reached the main road om which he gained lots of swears, shouts, and angry and annoyed stares. He even crossed the street. Lucky him, there's only a motorcycle who ran to him and the driver managed to clutch the break. Though it seems like he didn't hear it, the driver kept on shouting him swears and even told him that if he wanted to die, just go and jump off a bridge. In doing so, he won't go around and bother other people who still wants to live and doesn't want to be the reason for another person's death.

Niall just shrugged him off and continued to walk. Though after sometime maybe, just maybe, he ran out of Irish luck. Because what's going to happen next will change Niall Horan's miserable life.

Niall kept on walking until he reached one of the busy parts in London. People are walking, almost running, just to get home earlier. They don't like heavy rains much and they're getting wetter and wetter over time. They need to reach their homes where they're safe. Safe from the heaven's tears, safe from people who kept on swearing, from people who despite of the cold weather, their heads are still getting hotter and hotter. Resulting to them being annoyed even with just little things. Example, the way how Niall is just carelessly walking down the street not bothered by the hard rain when there's them, whose trying very hard to keep themselves from getting soaked. Or maybe, because he doesn't care if he's colliding with someone. Or maybe because the way Niall is walking it seems like he has every time in the world, he doesn't- in any single way- looks like he's in a hurry.

But then, Niall's feet started to turn and walk in another direction. And by doing so, he earned a few glances.

He took another two steps and people around him started to stare at him instead of just giving him a few glances. They stood still- curious then surprised then shocked about what they think the blonde Irish boy who now they notice is the Niall Horan is gonna do.

Everything's in a slow motion.

Niall took a step, people's eyes got bigger.

Niall took a step, people's mouths formed into letter O.

Niall took a step, and people started to shout and scream.

Everything happened so dramatically.

A loud honk of a car was heard. Niall noticed the blinding light from his right side. He turned to look at it, only to close his eyes because the light is too much. The driver tried, really, he tried to press the break. But he just can't. Everyone knows it's a hopeless case. 100 km/h. No one can save the boy now. But before the once cheerful lad closed his eyes, he still managed to let out a single tear from his left eye.

The London bus is supposed to be red, yes. But not the windshield, that's supposed to be clear for the driver to be able to see the road ahead. And now, lots of crimson liquid can be seen on it.

Niall's supposed to be standing in the middle of the road, in front of a clothing shop. But now, he's lying almost six meters away from where he was originally seen by the people.

Because Niall's body not only collided with the people he crossed paths with while walking aimlessly.

Because the broken boy's frail body just collided with something bigger. Something faster.

And maybe, just maybe, what happened didn't only changed his life. What happened might have ended it too.



Omg, thank you for those who commented in the last chapter! That made me happy knowing someone appreciated this. And those comments made me more confident.

Sorry I haven't posted this earlier. My grandfather just died so yeah. Sorry again. I was stressed and all considering that last week is my first week as a college student. A lot happened and I didn't had the chance to post this. Thank you for waiting.

Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors.

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