Chapter 4

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Somehow, Renge got a whole camera crew here and were filming a movie. My singing scene is after Tamaki's lonely prince scene. Okay... My turn. Is it too late to back out. I don't- I don't think I can do this... I'm scared. I stood in front of the microphone and then shook my head, my hands were shaking, no... My whole body was shaking.

Renge came up to help but I just held up a shaking hand in a stop motion before walking away. I can't do it.

"Hey! Wait! James!" Two voices yelled.

I walked faster. I couldn't do it. I'm a failure.

"He's ignoring us..."

I turned a corner. The microphone... So many memories with a microphone. So many ground smiles... Such a happy family.

"L- leave me- me alo- one!" A familiar voice stuttered.

"Black magic bitch!"

"What are you gonna do? Curse us??"

"P- please stop hit- itting me!" 

"Oi! The girl said stop so stop!" Wait... Was that me... It sounded like me...

The men turned toward me. Damn it. It was me.

"What're you gonna do about it?"

I took a step forward. No! What are you doing? Run away, you idiot!

"Leave the girl alone." I growled.

Damn it! Shut up!

One guy took a step forward, but the other guy held him back. "Dude, it's not worth it." Then they both left.

I sighed. I'm glad they left, I can't fight for my life. My arms are sticks hiding under false muscle. Sure I can do pull ups and push ups and carry my sister's and carry my mom and roll my self in a manual wheel chair. But I can't throw a punch.

I kneeled down in front of a shocked Mai. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, still shocked.

I sighed and picked her up. "Lead me to your club friends. They can help you, right?"

Mai nodded. I smiled and walked in the direction she pointed, no longer talking. I passed the twins who were frozen with wide eyes and open mouths. They heard me.

We walked down familiar halls and then to a door, right next to the host club. Okay. Well, her club is closer than I thought. I lightly kicked the door open and chuckled as one person looked over, the only one left in the club room.

I held Mai out to him and he rushed over, grabbing her. This was a male with black hair and hazel eyes, bright hazel eyes.

"Was it another bully?" The male asked Mai.

She shook her head no. I narrowed my eyes in her direction.

"Then who?" I asked.

She jumped and looked at me with wide eyes before looking away. The male looked at me.

"You witnessed what happened?"

I nodded.

"What happened?"

Mai tried to protest, but I cut her off. I haven't spoken in so long... It just feels wrong, but right now... It feels like what I'm about to say needs to be heard by this male in front of me.

"Some guys were pushing her around,  calling her names and making fun of her club."

Mai looked down and away from the male who had her in his arms. The more I look at them the more they look alike... Oh.... They could be related...

The Silent Host (boyxboy OHSHC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu