Chapter 31

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So.... it's the weekend and I'm doing laundry right? When all of a sudden a bag is shoved over my head and I'm carried to some car. The car smells like rich people, so I know this is Tamaki and Hikaru's doing.

Soon the bag is taken off my head and I glare darkly at Tamaki who is sitting right in front of me. Kaoru hands me a white board and I quickly scribble out.

'You better have a good reason for this'

"We're going to the zoo!" Tamaki cheered.

'That doesn't mean you shove a bag over my head you overgrown baby, a text about when and where would have been just fine! Not almost giving me a heart attack!'

He shrunk into himself. "Overgrown baby..?"

The twins laughed, wrapping their arms around me. I leaned more towards Kaoru and sent a glare toward Hikaru.

'You're not off the hook either'

He smirked and grabbed my chin with his index finger and thumb, pulling my face closer to his. "You can't stay angry at me.." he said softly, his breath fanning my face.

'Watch me' I mouthed.

I pulled out of his grip and snuggled against Kaoru, Hikaru pouted angrily while Kaoru grinned.

Once we got to the zoo, I had already broke and forgiven Hikaru. I can't help it! He looks so cute when he pouts and he said sorry. How could I say no?

"We need to stick together!" Tamaki says firmly.

I watched as Honey dragged Mori away toward the seals. Then watched as Kyoya went to go sit on a bench and go back to sleep, he was in a pissy mood. Then watched as Tamaki started to whine while the twins pulled me away to go look at the alligator.

I... probably shouldn't leave Haruhi alone with him.... but time with the twins sounds so appealing.

"Look! It's so cool!" Hikaru leaned dangerously over the railing into the alligator habitat.

I grabbed his hand firmly, not wanting him to fall in. Then I saw Kaoru leaning forward too.

"I can't find it, Hikaru...!" He whined.

I grabbed his hand too.

"It's right there!"


"There, see where the big rock is?"

"Oh! I see now! Wow!"

I tugged on their hands slightly, they were leaning way too far over the railing. They turned to look at me.

"What?" They asked simultaneously.

I let go of their hands. 'You're leaning too far over'

Hikaru chuckles after reading. "We were fine,"

I rose an eyebrow.

His chuckle turned slight nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Won't do it again,"

"Right," Kaoru agreed with a soft smile.

I grinned. 'Can we go see the otters next??'

They nodded. I started to move the wheels of my wheelchair, backing out of the crowd around the alligator habitat. I've been here enough times that I know where the otters are. I love otters.

I stopped in front of their habitat and stared at them in awe. They're so cute. I don't know how they can possibly be this cute but they are.

"I'm bored, can we go see the lions now?"

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