Chapter 30

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'You've got them all?'

Kyoya nodded, pushing his glasses up. "They're in my personal safe back home,"

I smiled thankfully at him and nodded. 'Thank you Kyoya for doing this and keeping it secret from the others..'

He nodded. "What kind of... friend.... would I be if I didn't do a few favors?"

'Without an alterer motive? It's just not very Kyoya of you' I tease.

He rolled his eyes, "Three words James, and they'll all know,"

My eyes widened. 'No, no, I'm sorry, dont'

He smirked and leaned down toward me. "And that's my alterer motive,"

My eyes widened even more if that's possible.

"What's going on here?"

I turned my head to see Hikaru and Kaoru standing in the doorway of the host club which me and Kyoya were the only ones in.

Hikaru started walking towards Kyoya angrily as Kyoya stood straight. He simply shoved him to the side and walked out with a 'hello Hikaru, Kaoru,'

I got out of my wheelchair and kneeled next to Hikaru who was on the floor, in shock. I placed his head in my lap and brushed my fingers through his hair while humming. Soon he was relaxed and Kaoru was sitting next to me with his head on my shoulder.

I turn my head and kiss Kaoru's forehead before bending down slightly and kissing Hikaru at the corner of his mouth, causing the once sleepy boy to turn bright red.

Me and Kaoru giggle at his reaction. He covered his mouth shyly and sat up.

After a moment of silence, Kaoru cleared his throat. "C'mon James, Hikaru and I wanted to take you out for lunch,"

I rose my eyebrows and checked the time. 'It's 4:30,' I scribbled.

"Late lunch, early dinner, same thing," he waved off, standing up.

I laughed lightly as he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. We both looked down at Hikaru who still had a light pink tint on his cheeks. We both held down a hand which he stared at for a moment before grabbing them and letting us pull him up.

'So where are we going?'

They both looked at each other and smirked. I tilted my head slightly, confused.

"It's a surprise," they said simultaneously.

I stomped my feet, whining. I wanna knowwww!

Hikaru came up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I know you want to know, but we wanna give you a nice surprise,"

I blushed lightly and nodded, looking down slightly. He smiled too and let me go, Kaoru held up a blindfold and I gave him a deadpanned look.

"C'mon...! It's for the surprised!"

I sighed heavily and nodded, letting them tie the cloth around my head. Not being able to see is kinda scary.

They led me out of the school, it's warm outside, really nice breeze passing by, it feels like a perfect day. I think we're walking through grass or dirt or something like that. Are we gonna have a picnic?? I love picnics!

Soon they pulled me to a stop. We here already?

"Just wait a few seconds..." Hikaru mumbled impatiently. "It has to be perfect..."

"Now!" Kaoru cheered.

And the blindfold was removed, I saw a gazebo lit up with fairy light and food laid out on the table, the sun had just started setting and there were flowers tossed everywhere. I gasped and looked at the twins with wide eyes.

"Do you like it?" They grinned.

I nodded quickly, jumping up and hugging them tightly. They laughed, wrapping their arms around my waist.

"C'mon," Kaoru was the first to break the embrace. "The foods getting cold, and Hikaru and I spent so long trying to make it for you,"

My eyebrows raised so high I'm not even sure they're on my forehead anymore. I grabbed my whiteboard.

'You cooked??'

They blushed lightly. "We wanted to give you something special..." Hikaru mumbled.

I smiled widely. 'Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!' I filled up the whole board.

Hikaru chuckled as they grabbed my hands and pulled me to sit down. I looked at the pasta and garlic bread, the pasta was a bit liquid-y and the bread was a bit burnt but I don't really care, they made it and that's all that matters to me. They served me a plate and soon we were eating comfortably, the twins talking about their 'horrifying' experience in the kitchen.

"Then we realized that we left the bread in the oven! And that was the burning smell that we were smelling!"

"So I hurried and paused the movie before running after Kaoru to the kitchen,"

"Where the maids were trying to put out a fire from the oven!"

"We had to make a whole other batch in the other oven because we completely ruined that one,"

"Good thing we have two ovens,"


"Oh! And then the spaghetti!"

"Right! We were planning on making lasagna,"


It was nice to laugh and relax, not thinking of the future, just living in the present... and it's fine to do that every once in a while but if I hadn't thought of my future so much... then I'd have to leave without leaving a piece of me behind, for those that I love.

So this is an ultra short chapter and also rlly boring and a filler haha sorry... BUT the school year is almost over which means finals are coming up, in one and a half weeks so that's always fun... ANYWAY I figured I better get a chapter out before I start frying my brain with biology notes and English vocab...

Question of the chapter!

Whats your most embarrassing memory?

My whole sixth grade year is a mess of embarrassment. I hate to even think about it. But there was this one time, I had just dyed my hair red and this guy I liked (who was a TOTAL fuck boy) was like 'I like a girl with red hair' and did that like slurping noise thing and I turned bright fucking red like no lie, the other kids that were near us were laughing. And my friend (bless her kind heart, I love her so much) was like 'she's just angry bc you're being inappropriate'. Anyway, I haven't dyed my hair since, it faded back to brown and literally he's the reason I haven't dyed it again, it's been so many years and I still remember the embarrassment CLEARLY.  That was a long story haha.

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