Chapter 5

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"Gaaah! I'm so sorry James! I REALLY DIDN'T MEAN TO PRESSURE YOU!" Renge cried, hugging my shoulders while sobbing into my neck.

I rubbed her back soothingly and hummed. She calmed down slowly before sniffling and pulling away from our embrace. She wiped at her eyes and looked up at me.

"I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!!!"

I gave her a reassuring smile, rubbing her head.

"No! Don't give me that look! I DON'T DESERVE THAT LOOK!" She cried.

Haruhi sighed and walked over to us before placing a hand on the sobbing Renge's head.

"He's apologising, Renge. It'll disappoint him if you didn't accept his apology."

I gave Haruhi an 'omg, thank you, I love you' look which she waved off and continued talking and consoling Renge. I walked over to the twins, who according to Tamaki are being suspiciously quiet, but I know exactly what is up with them.... It also helps that they keep staring at me.

'we need to talk'

I showed them my board. They nodded in sync, grabbing my arms and dragging me away. I inwardly scoffed. They dragged me to what seemed to be a huge janitors closet.

"Talk." Hikaru demanded.

I began to write on my white board, but Kaoru snatched it.

"No..." he said softly. "Talk."

I licked my lips and shook my head.

"Just give him the board, he's not gonna talk, Kaoru." Hikaru sighed.

I grabbed the board and then kept writing.

'you have questions or statements so shoot'

Then came the tsunami.

"Why were you talking?" ~K

"Is that girl important?"~H

"Is she your girlfriend?"~K

"How is your voice so deep now?"~H

"Are you okay?"~K

"Where did you take that girl?"~H

"Did you take her back to you place?"~K

"She's your girlfriend, isn't she?"~H

"If she isn't your girlfriend, then you like her don't you?"~K

"Why would you talk to her and not us?"~H

"Aren't we your friends?"~K

"Do we just not matter to you?"~H

"What about Haruhi?"~K

"She's your friend, but you don't even talk to her."~H

"Or do you?"~K

"And why did you ignore us??"~H

"You walked right past us and didn't even say a thing or spare a glance!"~K

"Are we just unimportant?" They said this last question together.

I wrote my answers at a casual pace.

'I spoke because the girl was in troble and those guys wouldn't be intimidated by some mute, she's one of my regulars, she's not my girl friend, probably puberty, I'm fine, I took her to her club room, not my place, again she isn't my girlfriend and I don't have any type of crush on her, I spoke to her because she was being beaten, you two are my friends, you do matter, Haruhi's my friend too, I can't talk without a logical reason, you weren't really an urgent issue I had a beaten girl to deal with, you aren't unimportant'

I massaged my hand as they read my small writing to answer all their questions. They huffed, Hikaru swiped across the board with his sleeve before throwing the board at me. He and Kaoru stormed out and I sighed.

They're so over dramatic. I picked up my board from the floor and walked out, bumping into someone. Ya know, I bump into people a lot. I looked at the familiar face, Daisuke.

"You're James.... Right?" He asked.

I nodded and rose an eye brow. 'Daisuke?' I wrote.

"....yes...." He looked at me skeptically. "Why aren't you talking?"

I made a face, that was supposed to be a thinking face but I probably looked constipated.

'medical issue'

Daisuke nodded and took the bait. Good. Good. Explaining is so hard.

"Well I hope you get your vocals back, your voice is hot."

My face began to burn a little and pink dusted Daisuke's face.

"I- I mean for chicks... You probably pick up a lot more chicks if you.... Spoke to them..." he licked his lips and nervously tapped his foot. "I.... Should go." then he sped off.

Bye Daik. Oooo Daik, I like that. Imma call him that now.

I smiled a little before turning and walking down the hall. Today has been interesting.


Damn it, the twins are mad at me.

With that thought, gloom took over and the other kids in the hall made space as I walked, for them to not catch the gloom.

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