Chapter 15

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"James!" My mother called, causing me to sigh a bit, "Did you pack everything? Underwear? Toothpaste? James you better have brought your toothpaste, good hygene is important. And did you remember your medication? Do you have the doctor's number?"

I put my hands on her shoulders and motioned for her to take deep breaths. She understood and took deep breaths.

"Sorry, sorry." She cupped my face. "I'm just worried about my baby, you're going off on your own."

'ill be with haruhi'

"I know. I know. I'll calm down now." She sighed and kissed my forehead, smushing my cheeks together. "My lovely baby is growing up. I told you you'd go places." She smiled.

I groaned, wanting her to let go. She laughed and let go of my face, I rubbed my cheeks slightly.

'mom, the time'

"Right, right! You need to be on your way to Haruhi's house, right?"

I turned away to grab my bag on the table. I was about to leave, but I turned around once more to wave goodbye. She seemed worried and her brows were furrowed. I tried convincing her that I was fine through a quick wave and a smile.

~Time Skippppp~

Karuizawa is calm... No noise.. No sisters... Just me and Haruhi... And the ever delightful Misuzu. But I am kind of tired of Misuzu's countless comments on how my "silence and good looks are so refreshing".... Can't a guy pick up dishes without a drag queen exploding in excitement? I mean Misuzu is great, love him... But come on.

I went back down stairs after having taken my medication. Haruhi has been reminding me non-stop everytime I need to take them.

"Oh! James, these refreshing young-"

"James!~" a small body attacks me, hugging me tightly.

Honey-senpai... Ah, he's crying, what do I do????

Mori came over and pried the crying Honey off of me and pat my head, he had a relieved look in his eyes.

"James! My son! We all thought you had died!" Tamaki attacked me in a hug, crying into my shoulder.

I pat his back awkwardly.

" He's still alive... I tried to tell you, senpai, but your head was too far in the clouds to hear." Haruhi muttered.

I looked at the twins who stood tense with an angry, frustrated, sad, happy look on their faces. Kyoya pried Tamaki off of me and the two of them walked up to me and socked me in the arms, hard too. I winced but just as quickly as the pain in my arms appeared, they were hugging me tightly, pressing their faces into my neck.

"We were so worried." they muttered, then pulled their heads away. "Don't ever do that to us again."

I smiled and nodded.

"Where did you go?"

'I transferred schools'

"What??!" Tamaki and the twins shouted. "Why??!"

I winced and took a few steps back, shrugging, I wrote 'got kicked out, missed too many classes so I fell behind'

"You could have told me... You know my dad is the chairman... I could have asked him." Tamaki mumbled.

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