My Creepy Stalker -chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Holly May Anderson. I'm a 17 year old senior in high school. I have long brown hair, bright brown eyes, I'm short...about 5'3", I'm average weight, and I absolutely adore wearing dark colors. My look matches my personality quite well. I'm sort of the loner of the school. I'm quiet, independent, unnoticed, at times depressed but other times happy, i have no friends whatsoever, I mind my own business, and I'm actually pretty smart. I love the way I am and I wouldn't change for anyone in the world. I like not having to deal with everyone elses drama or problems. I have enough problems of my own. You see, I have a stalker. Ever since last year, I've had a stalker. He's a man...tall, built, and intimidating. I guess that's why he's a security guard at my school. Yep, you heard right. He works IN MY SCHOOL AS A FRICKEN SECURITY GUARD!!!!! I can't believe it either...well I can. He's been working there for years. I've seen him since I started high school. Always works in the same area on the same floor and never leaves until the school day is over. Let me tell you a story. I'll begin with the first day of my Junior year, exactly one year ago from today.

Flashback to one year ago.....

My alarm clock went off and I groaned as I desperately reached for the button to turn off the annoying buzzing sound. It was the first day back to school. The start of my junior year, the year colleges find most important, and the year where I would stop caring about having friends or not. Oh joy. I got up and got myself ready like I had did for the past 11 years of my life I had gone to school (kindergarten counts too. Most people usually count their school years from 1st grade, but I don't. I would count the 2 years of preschool too, but that's more like daycare if you ask me.). I dressed myself in some dark wash skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a pair of black ballet flats. I then proceeded to do my hair and make up. My hair is naturally straight, so not much work to be done there. Just a bit of brushing and a tiny bit of hairspray and it's good. I put on black/grey eyeshadow, then a thick coat of eyeliner, followed by a tiny bit of mascara. Then comes the lipgloss and mmmmwah. Done. Just in time too. The bus comes soon. I walked to the bus stop, in the dark, and stood next to the bunch of people also waiting for the bus. 5 minutes later we all got on. Awesome!! There's actually empty seats this year. Last year I always had to sit with someone who I didn't like or didn't know nor wanted to know.

After a 20 minute bus ride, we finally pulled up to the doors of John F. Kennedy High School in the town of Dimentia, New York (a/n. I actually don't know if that's a real place XD). I dreaded another year, another day, another minute. I hated this school. It's just full of a bunch of stuck up rich kids who think they're better than everyone else. Of course me being me, I ignore them. I unwillingly walked through those doors and took a long deep breath. Just as I remember it. The smell of stupidity. Half the kids at this school barely get a passing grade. Well, I guess I better go put unwanted books in my locker. My locker's on the third floor and there's four floors in my school. Ughhhh I wish I could take the elevator up, but it's reserved for injured students and lazy teachers.

So up to the third floor. I have to walk down a short hallway to get to the main staircase, which happens to be the closest. I finally got to the common area, where the stairs were located, and that's when I noticed HIM. The security guard on the first floor. I have to admit, he's pretty cute. Hmm...why am I just noticing him? He's been here for like ever! Woah! What the hell am I thinking? This guy's like...old! Well, not that old...just old to me. I didn't pay any attention to him...that is until I caught him looking at me! Like directly at me. I'm in the middle of a crowd of people trying to get to their lockers,and I can tell that he's staring at me, staring right through the other people. Ok...that's not creepy at all...right? Whatever. I shook it off and then went to my locker. It took a couple tries to get my locker open, since they change the fricken combination every year, but I finally got it open. I threw the books I knew I didn't need into the locker and then went off the my first period class...gym. Ughhh!! Just my luck to get gym as my first class for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW!!!!!! But luckily the days alternate so I only have gym every other day. The gym's back on the first floor. Great...I hope that security guard doesn't see me.

I went back downstairs using another staircase, but I still have to go back through the common area to get to the gym. You see, the building is in wings that are connected by common other way. So I went back downstairs and luckily, the security guard had his back to the stairs. Which is a good thing. I quickly walked down the hallway leading towards the gym. I gulped when I felt someone staring at me. I absolutely hate being stared at. I'm sort of self conscious of myself, so I quickly made my way to gym. Yeah, my school officially calls it gym...not P.E.

Back to the present....

I didn't know it then, but that's when I was chosen to be stalked. Sure, I was creeped out by him staring at me, but who isn't when someone as scary as him looks at you. Heck, I'm even creeped out when one of my teachers looks at me even just for a second. But anywho, I didn't think much of that security guard. I found him cute, but old and scary and that's it. I'd never suspect him to be some sort of stalker. I mean he was a security guard for Pete's sake! He's supposed to keep us safe from crazy people...people like him.


A/N. so to make things very clear there is absolutely NOTHING to do with real people or events in this story All this is purely fiction, so don't get crazy. And I know this first chapter is boring, but it's just intro? Hmmm...but anyways, hope you liked it. Comment if you do. And if you don't...well, I'm still gonna write this story until I run out of ideas. And I promise theres gonna be a lot of drama and scary, creepy, horror scenes...I just have to create more suspense.

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