Chapter 24

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10 years later...

"knock knock" Greg sang as he walked into my classroom during lunch.

"Hey babe." I greeted. Greg leaned down and kissed me. We had now been together for 15 years now and we're still very much in love. Felicity is now a sophomore in high school. She's a star student. She's captain of the swim team and she's won 3 state titles so far. Felicity has grown into a beautiful young lady...she looks much like I did when I was her age, except for the eyes of course. But I have to say, Felicity's blue eyes are to die for.

Me and Greg now have 5 children. The oldest of course is Felicity, then there's Greg jr who's now 9, Mary who's now 7, Melonie who's now 4, and the youngest is Zachary who's now almost 2 years old. My kids are my LIFE!!! And I wouldn't have it any other way. We're planning on having another baby, but the kids are already sharing rooms so before we can have another one, we'll have to remodel house. I was thinking on turning the basement into a room...or divide it into a couple rooms. It's big enough and there heating and air conditioning down there already. Wed just have to put up some walls and door. There's high windows down there too so fresh air won't be a problem. It would take a couple months to do, but it's worth it. I love my kids so much. Another one would be a blessing.

But I have to admit, after Greg Jr., was born, me and Greg purposely started having kids to keep Blade away from me. Blade promised he wouldn't come near me as long as I was pregnant, and well...I've been having kids ever since then and he hasn't come near me yet...well, when Felicity was younger she'd practically make me talk to Blade, but other than that, life's been peaceful for the most part.

Blade is still a security guard, but not in the elementary school. He's been moving his job to the schools where Felicity goes, which means right now, he's working in the high school where me, Greg, and Felicity are. I don't see him often, just around the halls. I don't see Felicity here often either. The school rules are that parents who are teachers can't have their children as students. It's a fair rule...I mean I can't treat Felicity differently than other students just because she's my daughter, but I probably would give her grades a boost of she were my student. But anyways, back to present....

"Sweetheart? Do you know where Felicity is this period? She forgot her lunch money in the car." Greg said, holding up a check for $50.

"Ugh that's the third time this year. I'm pretty sure she has lunch now. She should be in the cafeteria."

"Well shes not. I checked."

I sighed.m"I'll check her schedule just to make sure." I rolled over to me computer in my wheels office chair and looked up my daughter's schedule. "It says she has lunch this period."

"Well then she should be in the cafeteria. The school doesn't let kids go outside for lunch, do they?". Greg asked curiously. He's been teaching here for 13 or 14 years now? And he still has no clue how the school works.

I shook my head and laughed. "No Greg, they dont.". I got up from my chair and pulled Greg out the door.

"Where are we going?"

"To find our daughter. Duh"

I walked into the caferia and looked around. Felicity definitely wasn't here, but her friends were. I walked over to where her friends were sitting and they immediately greeted my with hellos and smiled.

"Hey Mr. And Mrs. Smith."

"Hello ladies. By any chance, do you know where Felicity is?"

They shook their heads. "No. Sorry. Felicity never comes to lunch."

I gave them a confused look. "What are talking about? I give her lunch money every month to out into her account and at the end of every month it's gone. Are you telling me that money disappears?"

They all shook their heads. "Felicity hasn't come to lunch since the first week of freshman year. I've seen her rip up the checks you give her. That's probably why there's no money in the account at the end of the month." felicity's best friend, Emily, explained.

"but you have no idea where she is right now?" Greg interrogated them.

Emily shook her head no slowly. She's totally lying.

"Emily, you're her best friend...the person she tells everything to, practically her sister and you're telling me you have absolutely no idea where MY daughter is.". I repeated. "Emily, I think you DO know wher she is and you are gonna tell me right now or you'll have detention with me for the rest of the week.". I threatened.

Her eyes widened. "You can't so that!" she exclaimed.

"I can and I will."

She thought for a minute and finally caved in. "She's in the school security office."

"WHAT!?!?" me and Greg exclaimed in unison.

"She and that security guard hang out in there an-"

Me and Greg didn't give her a chance to finish since we sprinting to of there and towards the security office. Who knows what he could be doing to my angel. All I could think is the worst...what he did to me when he brought me in there, but more. A couple of teachers yelled at us for running in the halls, but what the hell?! Me and Greg are both teachers! We dont have to follow the rules meant for students.

We reached the security office and I tried to open the door but it was locked. Greg pulled me back.

"Stand back." he instructed and then kicked open the door. I rushed in first.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I screamed. What I saw would scar me for life.


A/N. cliffhanger!!!!!

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