Chapter 4

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A few more weeks passed and I didn't get anymore texts from that number. Me and Nick have been going out and he really is a sweet guy. On our first date he bought me flowers, then we went to a movie, and then to dinner. My parents were extremely excited when I told them the hottest guy in school asked me out. They couldn't believe it! I've never had any friends nor do people ever talk to me. OMG I haven't been this happy in a long time!!

Tonight's prom and I'm wearing an amazing purple dress! My mother helped me pick it out. We went shopping the day Nick asked me to prom. It's made of a silky purple fabric, and it's a halter top, and there's a brooche where the v neck cut ends. It's long and shows off all my curves.

"Holly! Nick's here" I heard my dad call from downstairs. I quickly grappled my purse, threw my phone in, and went downstairs. When Nick's eyes fell on me, he couldn't stop smiling. I stopped in front of him and did a little twirl.

"Sooo? What do you think?" I asked.

"wow. You. Look. Stunning."

"Maybe a little...too stunning." my dad said. My mom hit him in the chest.

"Stop it. She looks wonderful. Right Dale?" she asked my dad.

My dad came over and hugged me. "Yes , sweetheart. Our little Holly does look wonderful. Nick" he started, narrowing his eyes on my date. "Take care of my baby girl, and have her home on time."

"Oh Dale. Don't scare the boy." mom scolded.

"I'm not. Just saying. 11:30 the latest, Nick."

Nick nodded his head. "I'll have her home by 11:15." Nick replied.

Dad's initimadating expression changed to a happy expression. "I like this kid." dad joked. "Have fun you two."

"Bye Daddy. Bye mom.". I gave them both a hug and left with Nick. Prom was being held in the school gym...the school's too cheap to pay for a nicer place, but oh well. At least it's prom. We got to the school in no time and the prom was already in full party mode. The school doubled up on security, so security guards were lining the walls about 20 feet away from eachother.

"Geez. You would think they got a bomb threat or something by the looks of how much security is here." Nick commented.

"Hey Nick! Over here!". His friend called from one of the tables.

"Come on Holly. Lets go sit with Dan." he said pulling me over to the guy who called him over. "Hey Dan. Wheres your date?"

"Don't have one. I was kinda hoping we'd share Holly." Dan said, winking at me, causing me to blush.

"Holly's mine." Nick said wrapping me I his arms, protectively. "Go mooch off some other guy's girlfriend."

"Ha! Good one." Dan replied. "Hey, Holly? I'm going to go get some punch. Do you want some?"

"Umm..yeah sure."

"I'll go with you. I don't want you spiking her punch, Dan." Nick warned, narrowing his eyes.

"I wouldn't do that to Holly. But if you're so suspicious about me, them by all means, come along.".

"I will." then Nick turned back to me. "I'll be right back, alright?"

"ok.". And then they walked away. About a second later, I got a text. From who? Unknown.

'u look beautiful 2nite. I especially

I gulped and got really nervous. Maybe it was Dan playing tricks on me. I just let that text go and decided it was nothing. Then I got another text from the unknown number.

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