Chapter 12

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Recap; "I broke up with him." I said sadly

"And I'll keep my word about not harming him. Now what's your answer? Will you marry me or not?"


I stood there and glared at him.

"Remember, that boy's life is in the line. I promised I wouldn't harm him, but I can't promise someone else will. But I can promise you that, if you marry me." he said walking slowly towards me. I backed up against the door.

"My parents would never let me marry you." I said through clenched teeth.

He chuckled. "I've thought of that. I've thought of EVERYTHING. Don't worry about your parents. I've already taken care of them."

My eyes widened. "What do you mean you've taken care of them?"

"Will you are will you not marry me?" he asked, ignoring my question.

"Answer me!!! What did you do!?"

Then the door bell rang and Blade's eyes shot to the door. "open the door and you'll get your answer.". And then he turned away and went to sit on the couch.

I opened the door and there stood two policemen, holding their hats in their hands, looking sorry. "Are you Holly Anderson?" one of them asked.

"Yes." I answered nervously.

"I'm detective Nichols and this is my partner detective Wilson. About an hour ago, your parents were involved in a car accident. Your fath was driving and your mother was in the passenger seat. From what your grandmother told us, they were on their way to the pharmacy to pick up her medicine. We believe that your father lost control of the vehicle and therefore, crashed into a street light post. Now, the crash didn't kill them..." he paused to take in my reaction. "They died from the explosion."

I gasped. "e-explosion?"

Blade came and stood beyond me, putting a hand on my shoulder, and I automatically pushed his hand off me. The cops looked at Blade.

"May I ask who you are?" detective Wilson asked.

"Aden Whitefield. Her parents asked me to look after Holly while they're away.". Blade replied.

The cop nodded and detective Nichols began speaking again. "Ummm...on impact, the car exploded. We're it quite sure why, but we think that the engine overheated, caught on fire, and somehow the fire got into the as tank. We're not positive, but thats what very likely happened. We're both very sorry for your loss."

Tears were streaming down my face. I was frozen in shock. "Thank you for coming all the way here to tell us, gentlemen. I think I should talk to Holly about this know, try to make her accept her parents' passing."

"Of course. We'll be going then. Goodnight Mr. Whitefield. Holly." and then they walked down the steps and into their car. Blade pulled me back into the house and closed the door. I stared at him in disbelief.

"Y-you k-killed them?"

"I had to do it, Holly. So we can be together. And if you don't want this to happen to anyone that'll agree to marry me."

"How did you do it?"

"How did I do what?" he asked innocently.

"How did you kill them!!!!!" I screamed, crying my eyes out.

"Oh. How I killed your parents." he said in realizaton, smiling. He sat down on the couch and took a sip of his beer. "it was easy. I called a buddy of mine who happens to live bear your grandma. I told him I needed a job done. And he did it. I imagine he cut the breaks on the car and then planted a pressure activated bomb on the inside of the hood that dissintegrates in the fire. I couldn't have done it better myself."

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