Chapter 8

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The entire summer, dad and Blade hung out like a couple of teenagers. They became best friends. Blade was always at my house when he wasn't working. My parents found him to be good company. I stayed in my room most of the time. I would occassionally go into my pool just to get some sun and exercise and each time, Blade would not take his eyes off me. I guess that was my fault because I wore a black was the only swim suit I had. I didn't receive anymore texts from him since the window incident. And that brings us to today. It's the first day of my senior year and I was dreading going to school even more. Blade would be there.

I walked through the doors of John. F. Kennedy high school and smelled the stench of stupidity once again. I took the same steps I took last year. Down the hallway to the common area, where Blade was staing and smirking at me and then o the stairs to my locker. This year, I had gym first period, yet again, that makes it 4 years in a row. Great. I walked back down to the first floor and ignored Blade. I went straight to the girls locker room and changed into my gym uniform and then out into the gym hallway with the rest of my class, waiting for the coach to come and take attendance. Our gym uniform consisted of a white tshirts with the school name printed in blue letters, and blue shirts with the school logo at the bottom front right printed in white letters. The collar of the shirt was also blue. In my opinion, the shorts were a little bit too short.

It was raining today so we couldn't go outside for class. The lower classmen boys class went to the weight room, the lower classmen girls class went to the indoor track, and the upperclassmen boys class too over the gym. That meant the upper classmen girls class...the class I'm in...had to do relays in the hallway. The gym had its own hallway, so we weren't disturbing anyone. We were to run to the end of the hallway and then back. After a few races, i was up and coach picked a girl on the track to team to race me. What I the coach thinking? I'm not athletic at all! She knows i can't beat her. Ugh!

"Ready...set...GO!'" the coach yelled. We both ran down, and this time I was actually trying to win. We were going the same speed, and almost to the end of the hallway. Then Blade came around the corner. I was going so fast, I couldn't stop in time. I ran into him, like I did last year. Once again, he caught me before I could fall flat on my butt.

"Oops. Sorry Holly."

Then I heard cheering. I turned around and saw that the other girl won the race turned back around at Blade and glared at him. "Whatever" I mumbled and turned to walk back and in my class.

"Holly, I actually came to talk to you."

I kept on walking, just ignoring him and hoping he'd go away.

"Coach Turner!!" Balde called out.

"What's up Aden?" she called back. (A/N in case you forgot, Aden is the name Blade goes by to seem less intimidating)

"Can I borrow Holly for a few minutes?" he asked. I silently hoped Coach Turner would say no.

"Sure. Holly, go with Aden." Coach Turner instructed me. Damn it!!!! I internally groaned and followed Blade.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily. He didn't answer me. We just kept walking until we got to the school safety office...aka the office where security guards sleep when theyve worked all night and have to work all day. Blade opened the door and allowed me to go in first. He closed the door behind us and locked it. I turned around when I heard the lock click. "What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Just making sure no one walks in on our conversation." then he looked me up and down with lustin his eyes. "You look damn good in that uniform." he said, probably undressing me with his eyes

"Well, if that's what you needed to tell me, then I'll be going." I started towards the door, but Blade went and stood in front of it.

"Sit" he commanded, pointing to be of the cots set up. The school allowed them to sleep in here during their break so they wouldnt pass out on the job.

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