Chapter 7

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"Debra, you're cooking was fantastic. Thank you for inviting me." the security guard, whos name I still have not learned, complimented.

"Awe why, thank you. While, why don't you take Mr. Whitefield into the living room while me and Holly get dessert ready. We're having home made apple pie.". Mom instructed. I still cant believe she invited that murderer into our home.

"Sounds good, Debra. And please, call me Aden,"

"That's a fine name." dad complimented.

"Thank you. My given name is actually Blade, but Aden sounds less intimidating to people." ADEN chuckled. What a coincidence...his name is Blade. Just like he used the blade of a knife to kill Nick!!!!!!!!! (A/N yeah...that sounded really stupid, but it's the best I could come with :/)

"What made you come up with Aden?" mom asked curiously.

"its a name close to Blade. Ade are the last three letters of my real name and are also the first three letters of Aden."

"oh that's very clever. But is it alright if I call you Blade? I quite like it." mom asked.

"Of course, Debra. I'll answer to either name. ". Aden..or should I say BLADE said.

"Hey Blade. I think the football game is on now. You watch football?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. Love the game. I used to play in high school"

"No kidding. I did too. Come on. We can watch the game in the living room. I have a widescreen tv, hi-def. it'll be like nothing you've ever seen before." Dad led Blade into the living room. Dad and his pride....what will we ever do with him. Smh.

I helped mom with the pie. "Mom? Can I ask you something?"

"Anything Holly."

"Dont think 'Blade'" I did the air quote thing. "is a little bit....oh I don't know...suspicious looking?"

"What do you mean, dear?"

"He just creeps me out Mom. I don't like him, at all."

"Holly, you just have to get to know him a bit better. He seems like a nice man. And your father seems to have finally found a friend to talk about sports with. You know the office nerds...never even read about football.". She explained. Dad worked in an office dealing with computer technology. His job seemed really boring, but he enjoyed it. But if only they knew that blade was a fricken murderer!!!!

Me and Mom bright four plate, each with a slice of pie, into the living room. Mom handed Dad a plate and I handed Blade a plate. He took the plate and smiled that creepy smile at me. "Thank you Holly."

I sat down on the floor, seeing as mom and dad were hogging the two single recliners in either side and Blade was sitting on the sofa between the recliners. "Sweetheart, why are you sitting on the floor? There's an empty seat next to Blade."

Ugh!! Why can't I just sit on the floor!?! "Yeah Holly. I won't bite.". He joked, patting the place next to him. Hahaha he won't bite...BUT HE'LL STAB MY BOYFRIEND RIGHT THROUGH THE FRICKEN HEART!!!!!!!

"Holly, don't be rude. Go sit next to him." mom commanded. I internally groaned, stood up, and walked over and sat next to Blade. I sat near the far edge of the couch, not wanting to be too close to him. Everyone was watching the game and eating their pie. I finished first and tried to think of an excuse to leave. I looked up at the tv and saw the game, and I really didn't need much of an excuse then. Tears started rolling down my face. "Holly dear, what's wrong?" mom asked coming over and giving me a hug,

I shook my head. "Nick was the captain of the football team"

"Baby, I'm sorry." mom apologized, holding me tighter and stroking my hair. "It'll be alright."

"I miss him so much." I cried even harder.

"Come on baby girl, let's go in another room while they watch the game, alright?" Mom suggested. I nodded my head and we went into my room. We sat down on my bed, and my mom just held me while I cried. That's what I love about her. She knows to just let me be and not to press my feelings. After a while, I stopped crying. "Are you alright now?"

"No, but I'm better."

Mom gave me an apologetic look. "Baby girl, I know how much he meant to you. Take as much time as you need to grieve. It's not an easy thing to lose someone like Nick."

"Thanks Mom."

"I'm going to go back and watch with the guys." mom stated.

"Ok. I think I'll just stay in here,if that's alright."

"Of course it is baby girl. I'll check on you later." the she went back into the living room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Il laid back on my bed and blankly stared at the ceiling for who knows how long. I heard the door creek open, but didn't feel,like looking to see who it was. "Holly?" Mom called me, lovingly. I sat up and looked at her and found Blade standing next to her. "Blade just wanted to say goodnight to you before leaves."

"Goodnight Holly. I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm sure things will get better." Blade stated, giving me the same apologetic look he gave me when me and my parents were driving away from the school the night of the murder. A wave of anger swept through me, but I dared not let it show for my parent's sake.

"Bye Blade" I replied, in a monotone.

He waved to me and then left. About a minute after I heard the front door close behind him, my phone went off, meaning I had a text. I wonder who texted me. Hmmmm....possibly unknown? (note the sarcasm).

'I h8 seeing u upset w/ me.'

I rolled my eyes and got up to put in my purple pj's, which were just silky short and a matching tank top. I got back into bed and threw the covers over me. Then I got another text...oh joy.

'Luv the pj's. Thanks for the show ;)'

I jumped out of bed. He was watch me...but how? I looked around the room and saw my window blinds were slightly open. I went over to the window and raised the blinds and saw Blade staring out his window at me. My eyes widened and complete shock. That pervert has the perfect view of my room!!!! I quickly shut the window blinds and jumped into bed, pulling the covers way over my head. My phone went off again.

'Surprised? Me 2. My room is directly across from yours.'

Great. That murderer can spy on me from the comfort of his own room. Why did they have to build these houses so close together?!?! More importantly, why would they out two windows directly across from eachother?!?! Didn't they take into account that our neighbors can see into our homes!?!?!

Why is Blade so interested in me anyways? I didn't do anything out of the ordinary to get his attention. I didnt lead him on, and I sure didn't do anything to make him think i was interested in him. How did he now where I lived and how the hell did he get my cell phone number!?!?!?

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