Chapter 2

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So it's been a week and I've been trying to avoid that security guard, which seems to be impossible seeing as I have to go past him to get to most of my classes. And each time, he stares at me like his life depends on it. Do I look like I'm a trouble maker?!?! Don't answer that...I do look like it, but I'm not. Not once have I ever gotten detention or suspension from school. The only times I have gotten in trouble was in kindergarten when I got two time outs in one day. The first time out was in music class and my teacher only gave me detention because I didn't want to participate and a crazy dance and look like a fool. Then my main teacher gave me a time out for getting a time out in music class!!! That's messed up if you ask me.

Anyways, I've gotten used to my classes and I've developed a route to each of my classes. I walk in the same part of the hall everyday and never change it. Now suddenly, that security guard stands in the places where I usually walk!! Maybe it's just a coincidence...maybe. But just to be safe, I'll go a different way to class and change it up from time to time.

A few weeks later...

That security guard is starting to creep me out even more. Every time I'm in his view he looks at me. Then if I'm off in his peripheral vision, he'll turn his head towards me. Once he realizes I know he's staring at me, he'll turn away awkwardly and look in another direction...odd.

Right now I'm in chemistry. We're supposed to do some lab involving chemical that smells like death. Then the fire alarm goes off. Everyone groans and complains because it's fricken freezing out today. But when I was on the first floor for study hall, we smelled smoke. I'm thinking it has something to do with that. My Chemistry class is supposed to wait for our teacher and go down to the sports field together, but some rude teacher kept ushering us away from the building. The class got separated and we learned it wasn't a was an actual fire and the fire department didn't know where it was coming from. Ugh! We'll be out here for a while. I decided to look to see if there was anyone I knew around me. I looked around and my eyes landed on that security guard, who again was looking at me. Damn it. I forgot this is where he stands during fire drills...and emergencies. I pretended like I didn't see him and then when I didn't see anyone I knew, I just stared at the ground, minding my own business, just standing there freezing to death.

After a few minutes of staring at the ground and shivering, I see the security guard stand in front of me. He was looking out at the wave of students, but I knew he wanted me to notice he was standing there, waiting for me to look up at him. I did no such thing and ignored his presence. Does this security guard find me attractive or something? Does he hope that I'll fall in love with him? That's gross. And illegal.

Of all days to wear a short sleeve shirt, I choose today. Ugh!! I looked around to see people hugging eachother for warmth. God, I wish I had friends right now. I looked back down at the ground. I noticed the security guard's feet walking closer towards me until they were directly in front of me. I slowly looked up at him...he was standing way too close for comfort, and staring down at me. I got nervous and gave him a questioning look. He took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders.

"Here. You look like you need this more than me." he said while putting the jacket on me. His chest pressed up against mine as he did this, making me uncomfortable and tense.

"I-I'm fine. Really. I don't need this." I said starting to take off the over sized jacket.

"Yes you do." he said, pulling the jacket back on me. "You look like you're freezing.". He stepped back, sensing how tense and nervous he was making me.

"But what about you?"

"I have a ton of muscle to keep my body heat in. You on the other hand...well, your just skin and bones. Just give the jacket back the next time you see me." he replied with a creepy smile.

"Alright. Thank you.". I said, just trying to get rid of him.

"Mhm". And then he smiled and finally walked away and disappeared into the crowd. I looked around at the other people again and noticed there were people wearing a lot less than a shortsleeve shirt. Some people were in shorts and tank tops...what were they thinking! More importantly, what was that security guard thinking!? Other people obviously need this jacket more than I do.

"Attention Everyone!!!". The principal called out to us using a megaphone. "We're moving inside to the middle school. In an orderly fashion, walk up the hill and around the front to the middle school. Right now all we care about is getting you inside and warm."

Everyone cheered and proceeded to the middle school. How were they gonna fit 3,000 students in the middle school? Oh's big. I guess they're using all available spaces. We walked up the hill and to the door of the middle school, where that security guard was ushering us inside. I took off the jacket and handed it it to him. "Here. Thank you for letting me borrow this."

"Keep it. You're gonna need it when you walk back." he replied, not taking the jacket back. "You can give it back when you're back at the high school and you pass by the first floor common area."

I nodded my head and went inside where i found the little middle school students looking at us curiously. Haha they were so cute. About an hour later, we were able to go back to the high school.

I didn't see that security guard when I went back inside, so I figured he still must not be back yet. I went back to my class and waited for us to dismiss us. Apparently the heater broke and filled the gym wing with smoke. Now, they're sending us home as soon as we get out stuff from the classrooms and lockers. I went to my locker and got my own jacket. Then I went down to the first floor and found that security guard. "Thank you for letting me borrow your jacket, sir. That was very kind of you."

He took the jacket this time and smiled again at me. "No problem. Next time dress warm."

I gave him a small smile and walked away. His smile is kinda creepy. I turned back around because I felt like he was still staring at me. Surely enough, he was. And he still had that creepy smile in his face, like he was eye raping me...ewww. (A/N. that actually happened to me!!!! But an employee at PetSmart was the creep, not anyone who works at my school. And the whole jacket thing didn't happen)

I left the school with shivers down my spine. I guess he finds me attractive...there's no harm in that. But that experience had me thinking about it the rest of the day.

My Creepy StalkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin