Chapter 19

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Ugh!! My head hurts so much. I felt someone shaking. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to find Blade and Principal Eisenhower leaning over me with concerned expression. I slowly sat up right and rubbed my eyes. Then everything came flowing back. Principal Eisenhower is Blade's brother-in-law and he knew that Blade killed Nick and my parents. Could things get any worse? I looked back and forth between Blade and the principal. Blade move a strand of hair away from my face.

"Are you ok, Holly?" Blade asked.

I ignored him and looked at the principal. "you knew? And you didn't bother to do anything about it? Your the frickin principal!!! Your suppose to protect students!!!"

"Blade, why don't you take her home. She hit the floor pretty hard." principal Eisenhower told Blade.

"I think that's a good idea.". Blade lifted me up and carried me out of the office.

"Put me down!! I can walk you know!!" I fought.

"I don't want you fainting again."

"Blade!! I said put me down!!!" I screamed.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled.

"Excuse me, is there a problem?" I heard an all so familiar voice come from behind us. Blade spun around quickly, making my headache even worse.

"No. There's no problem here.". Blade answered.

"Then why are you carrying that student out of the school against her will?"

"she just fainted and I'm taking her home."

"Then shouldn't someone in her family pick her up from school?"

Blade was getting frustrated with Mr. Smith. "She's my wife. Now if you'll excuse us, I need to take MY WIFE home before she passes out again."

"THIS is your husband?" Mr. Smith asked, not able to believe it.


Mr Smith walked up to Blade and got right in Blade's face. "YOURE the one who did this to her?" he asked angrily pointing to my bruises.

Blade glared at me. "You told him I did that to you?! Unbelievable!! How many times have I told you not to disrespect me Holly!?!"

"I'm sorry." I said in a small voice with tears trickling down my face.

"You know what I have to do." Blade replied,meaning that he wold have to kill Dan and Mr. Smith.

"Please don't. Im sorry, Blade. I really am. I'll do anything. Just please, dont do it."

"Holly, don't give into him." Mr. Smith warned.

Blade stared intently at me, thinking of something I could do. He smiled evil-y. "Tomorrow is your last day at school."

I nodded my head agreeingly. "And you won't do anything to them?"


"Holly don't agree to it." Mr. Smith stated.

I looked at Mr. Smith apologetically. "I have to. I can't lose anyone else."

"Now if you don't mind, ill be taking my wife home." Blade said and then turned back away and carried me out the front door. We drove home and I followed Blade into the living room. He pulled me down onto the couch and held me close. He turned on the tv to some sports channel.

"Blade, I'm so close to graduating." I stated.

"I don't care. That teacher is interfering and so is Dan. I don't want you near them. Tomorrows your last day and that's final...that is, unless you want that teacher of yours and Dan to vanish."

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