Chapter 14

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It's the day after the funeral and I'm back at school. I couldn't stand being alone with that murderer another day. I'm back in the library for lunch. I figured Dan would be there. And of course I was right. He was sitting at our usual table in there by the window. I walked past him, and slipped him a note. Then I went and sat at a table the other side of the library, but where I could still see him and where he could see me. He looked at me and then opened the note.

The note I gave him said... Dear Dan, you can't imagine how much I miss you. But please understand, we can't be together. I'm doing this for your protection. I can't lose you too. I love you. Maybe one day, when Blade's gone for good, we can be together. But until then, know that you will always be the man I love and you'll always be the man I want to marry. Next week, Blade is taking me to Las Vegas and we're getting married. I wish there were more hours in a day...I'm not looking forward to this, Dan. I love you and I will for the rest of my life. And if you love me, you'll do nothing about Blade. I can put up with him. He doesn't wish to hurt me. But if youre gone, I won't be able to live. Please, I'm begging you. Trust me. And by the way, whatever you do, dont text or call me. Blade still has my phone and reads all the messages i get. He wants to make sure I dont have any contact with you. Forever yours, Holly.

When he was done reading it, he looked back at me and nodded with a sad smile. I smiled back at him and then went back to studying. Out of the corner of my eye, i saw Blade come into the library. His eyes went straight to Dan. Then he slowly looked around until his eyes fell on me. He raised an eyebrow at me, giving me a suspicious look. I rolled my eyes, and went back to reading my text book. A few seconds later I heard a chair being pulled out on the opposite side of me. I looked up and saw Blade sit down.

"Is there a problem, sir?" I asked, angrily. He told me to call him 'sir' in school. I didn't mind. Just saying his name makes me gag.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a whisper so no one would her our conversation.

"Studying." I answered in a whisper as well, mimicking him.

"So what's HE doing here". Meaning was Dan doing here...

I shrugged. "Studying?"

"Holly" he scolded.

"I swear I don't know. I haven't talked to him and he hasn't tried talking to me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some studying to do."

I started to read my text book again, but Blade closed it and took it away from me. "Your coming with me."

"What?! Why!?" I exclaimed in still a whisper, so I wouldn't disrupt the entire library.

"I don't want you near him."

"I'm not even talking to him!"

"I don't care. Now let's go." he commanded. I sat back and crossed my arms, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes. "Dont make a scene out of this. Either you can come with me, or I'll drag you out. Your choice."

"Then drag me out."

Blade leaned over the table and whispered in my ear. "Are you trying to get him killed?"

I looked over at Dan, who was staring defensively at us. I sighed and gathered my things and followed Blade out of the library. I took one last look back at Dan and mouthed 'I love you' to him, making him smile.

Balde led me down to the common area and instructed me to sit down on the bench against the wall. I did and took out some homework to work on.

"From now on, you'll come here during lunch. And don't argue with me about it.". He told me in an authoritive voice. He sat down next to me and looked at what I was working on. "What is this?". He asked curiously.

"It's my algebra homework." I said, not looking at him.

"That's algebra? Since when are there letters in algebra."

I looked at him like he was stupid. "Since always?"

"And I thought the square root of negative numbers didn't exist."

I sighed in frustration. "That's why they're called imaginary numbers."

"If they're imaginary, why are you learning them?"

"I. Don't. Know." I replied, angrily.

Blade sat back and spread his arms over the top of the bench. "Once we're married, you won't have to learn all that nonsense."

I turned to face him and gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

He chuckled. "You didn't think that I'd let you go to school with Dan, did you?"

"Its my senior year, Blade. I have to graduate." I said a little louder, getting even angrier.

"And you will. I'll homeschool you."

"And what? You're gonna keep me from going to college too?"

He nodded his head. "Women don't need to go to college. The less they know, the better. At least that's my opinion. No wife of mine is going to college."

"What am I supposed to do then? Work? You can't stop me from working too."

"Actually, I can. Women shouldn't do a man's job. You'll stay home and take care of the kids while I go to work."

"Kids?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing.


"I'm not having kids with you."

"I don't think thats your decision, now is it?"

I looked at him like he was crazy...which he was. "Actually it is!!"

"Really? How do you know youre not pregnant right now?". He gave me a look.

Then i realized something. Damn it!! He's right. Ughhhh!!! That was probably his plan when he raped me. Probably? Psh...of course it was his plan!

I glared at him. "I. Hate. You."

He laughed. "You might hate me now, but you'll love me. You'll see."

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