Chapter 25

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"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm soooooooo sorry.". I dashed out of there as fast as I could, dragging Greg along with me and closing the door tightly. "Maybe next time we should ask who's in there first."

"Agreed" Greg breathed out. "Holy shit...I don't think I can ever get that image out of my head. Uhhh!"

I can tell you one thing...Felicity and Blade were definitely NOT in there. We just barged in in two janitors...Mr. Finch and Mr. Leroy. Yeah, you heard me. They're both guys!!!!! And they're both in their 60's!!!! Oh my gosh! The image of two old men 'doing it' is not a pretty sight.

"Now that we've established that Felicity is NOT in THERE, where is she?" Greg asked, still traumatized by the whole thing

"I have no idea. Emily must've lied about where she went.". Then it hit me. "I know where she and Blade are."


"The janitor's office"

"how do you know that?"

"Well if the janitors are in THERE, then the security guards must be in the janitor's office. Come on!" he dragged him towards the janitors office. Once we got there, I tried opening it, but just like the security office, it was locked.

"Should I kick it open?"

"After what just happened? Hell. No."

I knocked on the door. I heard people shushing eachother. I pressed my ear up against the door and heard mumbling of what sounded like Blade and...Felicity. I nodded my head towards the door, gesturing for Greg to kick it open. I stepped back and Greg kicked the door open with all his strength. Like before, I rushed in first and again, I was scarred for life. My daughter and Blade....fully undressed, Blade ontop of her, clothes scattered all around the floor, and just plain GROSS!!!

"What the hell is going on in here!?!," I exclaimed. "Dont answer that! I know perfectly what was going on in here. Blade! Get off my daughter now!! Greg, close the door." I commanded. "And stay turned to the door. Felicity get dressed! You too Blade!!"

They quickly scattered and found their clothes and put them on. Felicity stood there in front of me, looking down like she was embarrassed and ashamed.

"Greg, turn around.". He quickly did and he was steaming red with anger. He pushed Blade up against the wall.

"What the hell do you think you were doing with my daughter!?!?" Greg yelled.

"Dad, please don't" Felicity begged. "I love him."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "You love him? No, you don't. You don't love him."

"You can't tell me who I can or can't love!!! You don't know how I feel!!!!". She protested.

"I m getting the principal." I stated.

"MOM!!!" she cried. "Please, don't!!"

"Felicity, go to lunch. I'll straighten this all out". Blade stated, calmly.

She nodded her head.

"We'll talk about this later young lady!" Greg yelled after her. Then he let go of Blade. "You must be pretty fucked up. First my wife, and now my daughter?!?"

"don't you mean MY daughter?" Blade replied.

"Exactly!! She's your daughter, Blade!!! How could you think of doing that?!?" I exclaimed.

"I promised you I would stay away from you as long as you were pregnant. You kept getting pregnant and I got bored waiting for you. So in the mean time, I did the closest thing to you, which was Felicity."

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