Chapter 11

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"Dan!" I called out to him in the hallway. We were on the fourth floor, so Blade wasn't around.

"Hey Holly. Is everything alright?"

I shook my head no.

Dan looked around. "Come on. Let's go in here.". He led me into an empty classroom and looked into my eyes. "What did he do?"

"H-he...I walked on him in the bathroom about to take a shower. Th-then he came into my room In only a towel and...and pinned me down on the bed. H-he s-said something about only one m-more day" I stuttered. "I don't know what hes gonna do." I cried.

"One more day til wait?"

"I don't know." I cried into his chest.

"Holly, I don't care what your parents say. You're staying with me tonight. After school, go back and get your things and I'll pick you up for our date, like we planned. Then I'll bring you back to my house and you're staying there until your parents get back. Ok?"

I nodded my head. "Thank you, Dan"

After school, Blade drove me back to his house like he did yesterday and we didn't speak at all until we got there? "So what time is your boyfriend picking you up?" he asked with jealousy in his voice.

"7. And you are NOT going to hurt him."

"Holly, I only do what's best for us."

"us!?!? There is no US!!!"

"But there will be."

"No! There won't!!!" I went into my room and slammed the door. I changed into my dress for my date with Dan and then packed the other clothes a brought with me. I looked around making sure I didn't forget to pack anything. Then Blade walked in, angry.

"What are you doing?". He asked with rage, when he saw my bag was packed, like I wasn't coming back...well...I wasn't coming back to this house.

"N-nothing" I stuttered, afraid he might do something.

"Why do you you have your bad packed, then?"

"B-because....I-I like keeping my stuff in one place?" I said more like a question than an answer.

"You're going to stay with him, aren't you!?!?!"


"Youre parents asked me to take care if you! Not him!!!".

"I DON'T CARE!! I'm not staying here! You're a complete psycho!!". I screamed.

That angered him even more. He came at me full force and tackled me onto the bed. I tried to push him off me, but he weighed A LOT! Like a ton of bricks!! He rolled me on to my back and held my arms down so I wouldn't hit him. I tried kicking him, but it didn't seem to bother him. Then he tied my wrists with rope and tied the other ends of the rope to the headboard of the bed. WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET THAT!?!?

I screamed a blood curdling scream, hoping one of the neighbors would hear me. Blade muffled my screaming by kissing me. I struggled to get my hands united and kicked him repeatedly. He finally broke the kiss.

"No one will be able to hear you scream...though, I'm glad I could make you scream." he smirked.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!!!"

He ignored me and started to pull up my dress.

"HELP!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as loud as possible.

"Scream all you want. These walls are sound proof."

I started to cry. I was beyond terrified. Blade pulled down my panties and then Briefly got off of my and took of his pants. Then climbed back ontop of me and positioned himself to take away my virginity...the only thing I was proud to have.

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