Chapter Twenty-Nine Part 2

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Please, Adeline.

I do not believe this is such a smart idea. I can’t control myself any longer. I ignore her and continue to move, I’m sweating like crazy but I don’t care.

When I reach the glass cases on the side off the wall, I know I’m in the right place. My skin practically tingles all over the place as I reach for the glass coverings. Each one I open and none of them give me the effect I want until I reach something like looks like a knife. It has no hilt and is more curved than a knife but it's shiny and has these carvings in it and just by looking at it I know it’s the one. The glass casing is nearly thrown across the room, my shaking hands skim across the cold metal and I sigh will absolute content.

Leave, hide away. Whatever you have to do succubus? I don’t want to mess this up if you can’t control yourself. This relic made her rabid, I didn’t need that right now.

My vision and hearing suddenly vanishes, it takes a few seconds until they goes back to normal; she’s hidden away for now.

In my hands the blade doesn’t look so bad, I slide it in my back pocket careful not to create a backdoor on my pants. Now let’s get out of here. I leave his treasure room and hurry to his office to place the key back inside the angel. I walk back into the foyer and nearly hit myself, how the hell am I supposed to get myself out of here. I nearly forget, the warlock said he couldn’t get me out of here once I was inside.

Damn it! I guess I’m going to have make a visit to Death after all.

“Death!” If yelling to the top of my lungs doesn’t work than I’m going to have to search for him in this massive place.

I go back to the ballroom, continuing my way down and searching every nook, it seems everyone’s out of town this week. I would have thought I’d run into Meeksha or even Daxt but I get no one except his Reaper chick.

“Dea-” The sound of yelling over my yelling stops me, I run down the hall to my right and open two massive doors. A loud bang comes from behind a large pillar, I look around and realize I’m in a library. He literally owns everything in the world.

I tiptoe around the pillar careful of the broken table and spilled wax. The sound of a large bird flapping its wings sends chills down my spine as I’m faced with two big gray wings. When this someone runs his hands through his dark hair I know it’s him. Death has…wings.

He must have heard my intake of breath because he turns around utterly shocked, “Adeline, what are you doing here?”

“It’s nice to see you too.” I whisper before emerging from around the pillar. “I’ve been trying to talk with you for days everyone just up and disappeared on me.” It’s not like I was worried about him or anything, I’m pretty sure he can’t die but it would’ve been nice if someone could have been there that day I needed them the most.

He sighs and his wings move with him, “I had some problems to take care of, I was coming to get you when things got out of hand.” He said seeming to indicate the giant things on his back were at fault.

I had admit he looked out of place, like he didn’t belong inside this library, trapped.

I could barely look him in the face, I was too mesmerized by the feathers on his wings. Real wings, just like the ones on that painting. If only I could touch them, no, that’s insane.

“Are you alright? How did you get here?” He took a step forward, the massive wings on his back dragged behind him.

“Um, I don’t know. It just happened out of nowhere. One minute I was there and the next I wasn’t. It’s really confusing and hard to explain, I guess.” I was rambling so I just shut my mouth.

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