Norse Male

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AGNI: Old Norse name derived from the word egg, meaning "edge (of a sword)."

ÁKI: Old Norse name derived from a diminutive form of *anuR, meaning "father."

ÁLFLJÓTR: Old Norse name composed of the elements alfr "elf" and ljótr "ugly," hence "elfin ugly."

ALFR: Old Norse legend name of a king who pursued the maiden Álfhidr, meaning "elf."

ALREKR: Old Norse equivalent of Visigothic Alaric, composed of the elements al "all" and rikiaR "rich, mighty ruler," hence "all-powerful; ruler of all."

ALVÍSS: Old Norse legend name of a dwarf who almost married Thor's daughter Thrud, meaning "all wise."

ÁNLEIFR: Old Norse name composed of the elements *anu- "ancestor; forefather," and leifr"descendant, heir," hence "heir of the ancestors."

ANUNDR: Old Norse Viking name composed of the elements anu "ancestor; forefather," and undr "to prevail; triumph," hence "triumph of the ancestors." This was the name of a legendary king of the House of Yngling.

ANVINDR: Old Norse name composed of the elements an "against" and vindr "wind," hence "against the wind."

ÁRI: Old Norse name meaning "eagle."

ARNGEIRR: Old Norse name composed of the elements arn "eagle" and geirr "spear," hence "eagle spear."

ÁRNI: Old Norse name meaning "eagle."

ARNKELL: Old Norse name composed of the elements ari "eagle" and ketill "cauldron, kettle," hence "eagle kettle."

ARNLAUGR: Old Norse name composed of the elements arn "eagle" and laug "promise, vow," hence "eagle vow."

ARNLJÓTR: Old Norse name composed of the elements arn "eagle" and ljótr "bright, shining," hence "eagle bright."

ARNÞÓRR: Old Norse name composed of the elements arn "eagle" and the name of the god Thor (Þórr), hence "eagle of Thor."

ARNVIÐR: Old Norse name composed of the elements ari "eagle" and viðr "tree," hence "eagle tree."

ÁSBJORN: Old Norse name composed of the elements �ss "god, divinity" and bjorn "bear," hence "divine-bear."

ÁSGEIRR: Old Norse name composed of the elements �ss "god" and geirr "spear," hence "god-spear." Equivalent to Old High German Ansgar.

ÁSGAUTR: Old Norse name composed of the elements áss "divinity, god," and gautr "Gaut," hence "divine Gaut."

ÁSKETILL: Old Norse name composed of the elements �ss "god" and ketill "cauldron, kettle," hence "divine kettle."

ÁSMUNDR: Old Norse name composed of the elements �ss "god, divinity," and mundr "protection," hence "divine protection."

ÁSVALDR: Old Norse name composed of the elements �ss "god, divinity," and valdr "power, rule," hence "divine power" or "divine ruler."

BALDR: Old Norse name derived from the word baldr, meaning "lord, prince." In mythology, this is the name of the second son of Odin and Frigg. He was a god of beauty, joy, purity and peace. His death was seen as the triggering event which brought about the destruction of all the gods at Ragnarok. He was ceremonially cremated upon his ship, Hringhorni, largest of all ships ever built.

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