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Louis pov-
I knock on the door, giving Niall a slight thumbs up...wait a second...Niall was supposed to be dressed up! OMG what is this. I open the door to reveal a...nerdy man-boy? He's a man in X & O boxers and he's holding a toy Dino in one hand and in the other is a camera. "What to do you want?" A gruff voice asks, wow didn't expect him for HAVE such a deep voice. "Well um..." I look back to see Niall sitting on the grass with a bowl of popcorn. Dude he ditched me?! I look back up to see Niall?! I look back at the grass to see just an empty popcorn carton. "May I come in?" I ask politely. Niall looks at me weird. "Since when do you ask Bro?" He asks giving me a strange look. I gasp"Weren't you just over...there!" I turn and point to see Niall?! I look back and see the man-boy again!!?? "Ok what is going on?!" I ask the man-boy and look back to see...what a surprise! No Niall.

----Time skip: 15 minutes (yes Louis did that for 15 minutes)-----
Finally I saw 2 Nialls...OHHH ONE OF THE OTHER BOYS MUST HAVE DRSSED UP AS NIALL!! "Who's the real Niall?" I ask excitedly. "I am!" They say at the same time. The first Niall tackles the other Niall as they fight. Then I realize one of them is slightly smaller than the other one. Finally the bottom Niall rips of the top Niall's mask to reveal...Mel?! "Whhhhhhaaaatttt???????" I yell in surprise with a girly voice. "Omg there are like 2 Niall Horans in front of me. I'm like totally gonna pass out!" I say with a pitchy girl screech. Even Mel winced and she's a girl. "How do you guys even know each other?! I thought you said...WHHHAAATTT???" I cut myself off with a whhhaaattt. "It's a long story actually..." Mel trails off with a slight smirk on her face as she looks at Niall. While Niall just glares at her. "We got time." I state they shrug before opening their mouths to speak. "Ok so I was going to get some Nandos for me mouth because me stomach was so hungry, and she accidentally bumped into me, causing me to drop me Nandos! When I got up off the ground, me Nandos was gone! So with a very depressing attitude I walked into a back alley to see her eating it..." he continued talking but I could visually see it now...

--flashback vision thingy--
Mel tripped Niall while he was on the ground she picked up his Nandos and ran into the back alley. On top of a dumpster lid eating his fried chicken with chopsticks. "Oi! That's mine!" Niall shouted, she noticed him and took off running with the food. He chased after her before she took a sharp turn causing Niall to run into the wall and passing out. Cautiously coming back and making sure he's out cold she lifts him up and places him on a destroyed cardboard box. Mel waves the chicken in front of his face causing his eyes to open with excitement as he smelled the food. When Niall got up he tripped and somehow fell into the dumpster, Mel left him there and when he got it all he saw was 3 quarters of eaten Nandos chicken and a small sticky note that said 'Im sorry:) here's my number, call me so we can hang out as friends'

---end of thingy---
I start laughing so dang hard. "A-and then w-what?" I manage to choke out...Mel and Niall give eachother nervous glances "Well...."

A/n that's it! I may or may not update my other story later today. Btw idk how Irish speak so please don't judge...even though I'm part Irish:)Love u muffins byeeee

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