Halloween Special

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A/n when you see ^•^ it will switch between real life and text message. Ok? Hope you like it!!

Louis pov-

Boo-bear: this is going to be the worst Halloween ever all of my friends are out of town and I'm all alone in in the flat. It's really freaky too there's no kids coming and I have this really big bowl of candy!
ME: same here I mean like I have no friends but like I'm all alone in my flat and there's nothing to do and here I am just eating the big bucket of warheads and toxic waste. Sure is delicious but I have no one to eat it with.
Boo-bear: Where do you live again?
ME: Like 3 hours outside of London
Boo-bear: Doncaster?
ME: Um yeah?
ME: How??
Boo-bear: BE THERE IN A FEW!
*Boo-bear has left the conversation*
ME: How is he going to do it?
Louis pov-
"Friend located" Siri says. Don't judge me little voices in my head! So o used the find friend app...whatever. "Arrived at friend" I look up to see a beautiful at least 3 story house. The only thing was there were no lights and half of the windows were broken. "Ummm..." just then a storm breaks out and all I can actually see is the door. I go to knock on the door and it opens by itself. Walking in I expect to see Mel but she isn't there. "Mel ello?" I ask. No answer. Taking out my phone and checking I still have data. I call Mel. Damn it! No internet!. Walking into an antique living room. I sit down on the dusty old couch waiting for the storm to pass. Alone. Without Mel.

Mel pov-
Ugh! Where is he! I knew he didn't know how to get here. Well...using the find friend app on my phone. The old abandoned mansion? Why would he be there...the myth oh frik!
--time skip to when she gets there--
I run up to the door which is already opened. Walking in I go to the first place Lou would go. The living room.
No one was there. Turning on my flash light on my phone I move it towards the ground to see places where there were foot prints. Following the footprints to the couch where it has a butt print, I know that because the whole couch is dusty except that spot. Hw footprints then lead up the stairs to where the myth's room used to be. Sh*t! Walking up the stairs and following the footprints leading to a closed door at the end of the hall. Putting my hand on the knob left me with shivers. The door swings open and I see the myth's beautiful yet very young face. "Mel!" She squeals jumping up and down yet making no sounds. I look at her with fear and confusion "How do you know my name?" I asks its creepy I mean she's a ghost! "Well...Louis here has had quite a few phone conversations with you." She states. Wait Lou! Looking past her I see him tied to a bed frame! "No...no Mel. You're not allowed over there." She growls slightly at me like a hungry animal. "Um how about to bad ghost girl." I say looking into her eyes. Woah. They're so grey! Almost white and with that. I felt my body go numb.

Louis pov-
I watched as Claire, the ghost girl pretty much had Mel under her control. I knew because Mel's eyes became distant and her body stiffened. Exactly what happened to me. Claire looks over at me. "Now Louis...where were we? Oh yes you were about to ask me to be your girlfriend." She says. What? "Um what about Me-" she cut me off with an angry tone. "SHE DOESNT MATTER ANYMORE LOUIS! NOW SHUT UP OR ILL CALL MY BROTHER TO COME GET HER!" I nod my head quickly. The door bursts open and in comes the boys?! Wearing ghostbusters costumes. One of the boys pulls out that weird thing that traps ghosts. And she gets sucked into it. They untie me and I run over to Mel who is still in a trance. "Mel!" I scream shaking her. She snaps out of it and begins shaking me. "Louis! Louis! Louis!" She says my name continually. She starts fading out and everything around me mixes into different colours. I feel pain in my cheek then coldness...I gasp sitting up. "Louis are you ok?!" She asks me. Mel's holding a bucket that has small droplets of water clinging to the side of it. "My cheek hurts but fine besides that...what happened?" I ask. "Well first of all I think we passed out because we are so much candy." She motions to all around us where many many MANY candy wrappers were. "Then I had this weird dream where you went into a haunted mansion or something and I went after you then you were kidnapped by a ghost girl named Claire and I was put in a trance where I couldn't do anything and then the boys came through. And you stated shaking me. And I woke up to you actually shaking me while shouting my name. Then I started doing that to you because you wouldn't get up. When you continued I slapped you and poured cold water on you. So yeah." She explains. "Wait you had that dream too?!" I ask her in suprise. She nods. "Never eating that much candy again." I stated. She looks at me with humour. "Well I'm going to do that every Halloween and see what dream I have every time!" She explains to me in excitement. "That's actually a great idea! I'm going to do that too!" I say jus as excited as her. We smile and fall back into the couch.

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