The Unsent Message

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Louis pov-
I'm moping in my room like I always do wishing Mel would wake up.I close my eyes hoping to fall asleep for a few minutes. Someone bangs on my door "It's time for our daily visit to Mel" Niall's broken voice says before his foot steps fade away probably already in Liam's car he doesn't trust us to drive anymore.
--time skip to the hospital--
"I'll come pick you guys up at 3:00 ok?" Liam asks and nods walking away knowing we weren't going to say anything. We go past the desk without signing in. We've been here to many times and she said we could just walk in. But the nurse clears her throat. We look to her to realize it's someone new. Dragging our feet we go to the desk. "You boys look horrible." The older lady states. "Well when your sister is in a coma there isn't a time when you don't look horrid." Niall states. "Hey where's the normal nurse who's usually at the desk?" I ask. The nurse looks up to me. "Nurse Kelly? She's helping the doctors trying to keep a comatose patient alive." She states. Our eyes widen. As we write our names quickly and run towards Mel's room. Nurse Kelly walks trough the door in our direction. "Ah boys she's in critical condition careful and try not to bump any of the wires please." She states patting our backs and leaving. We walk in carefully and towards her bed. Looking at the heart monitor her heart beats slowly and low. Holding her hand in mine I look at her. If she was awake she'd probably make a disgusted face because I haven't showered in a few days. Then her face scrunches. As she gags slightly I can't tell if it's the smell of me or the fact she has a tube lodged in her theist feeding her. Then an annoying beep fills the air. Niall looks up behind me as he lets out a loud sob. I'm scared to turn around but I do it anyway. The heart monitor flat lined. One doctor comes in his face full of regret. "Time of death 2:4-" he doesn't get to finish as a small gasp comes from below me. Looking down I realize Mel is awake! See awake but she's choking on the food tube. The doctor removes it quickly so she can take her breath. Niall runs at her not caring about anything but hugging her. "Melly. I missed you so much." He whispers letting a small sob. She hugs him tightly running her fingers through his hair. Kissing his cheek slightly she smiles tears going down her face. Niall pulls away and she turns to me. Her tear stained cheeks don't cover her beauty only make her more angelic. Before she has time to say anything I place my hands on the side of her face and kiss her. It's not one of those sloppy kisses but small and passionate. She smiles into the kiss and words don't describe what it feels like. Once we pull away I place my forehead against hers "I'm guessing you got my unsent message?" She asks quietly her somehow minty breath hitting me in the face. "Yeah I did and I wanted to tell you...I love you too." I whisper kissing her again and Niall giggles like a school girl in the back ground...

A/n OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER BEFORE THE EPILOGUE!!!! THEN MY BOOK IS DONE NO THIS IS SAD BUT EXCITING AT THE SAME TIME! Her unsent message said I love you!!! This is adorable. Did you think she died when the doctor started to say time of death?? Did you like the ending?? One more thing the next book is Texting Styles! I've also decided that some of them will be texting others will be Snapchat and Instagram maybe Pinterest idk yet :D Also I'm warning you right now that not all the books in the series will have happy endings. So please be prepared! I love you so much muffins and I love this book with all my heart. Along with my other books :D see you at the epilogue!

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