Hearts Break As Do We

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Boo-Bear: It's been 72 days Mel. That's a long time without you. The doctors say it's almost impossible for you to wake up now. I'm not giving up on you Mel. Niall isn't either. But you being gone for 2 months and 10 days has hit us harder and now we feel it in our heart.
Boo-Bear: Simon is making us write songs again. He doesn't understand d how much it hurts. You should see Niall's guitar playing now. It's sad and his eyes tear up every time. We finished one song 10 days ago I wrote it 'bout you. I'm playing it for you right now because words don't matter unless you can hear them. The emotion in all of the boys voices. Especially Niall's and I's. It proves how much we need and miss you. Wake up soon please Mel...We need you.

A/n I'm pretty sure this is the 4th..? So one more yay! Then a normal chapter where she dies...ignore that last part o_0
And an epilogue. Have a great day :D

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