Eyes Closed Feet Run Heart Stops Tears Fall

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A/n Before we start let me say I'm really sorry for what's going to happen. This may be the end. Or maybe it won't. Scary to think what I'm going to do because I even don't know I'm just going along. Weird right. I just think of ideas as I write which is why it's hard for me to be inspired. But anyway on with the story!

A/n She's still in the hospital

*ME has changed to Mel in contacts*

Mel: You finally decided to change it? Wow I'm suprised:o
Boo-Bear: I never call you that anymore. Mel or Mely.
Boo-Bear: :O
Mel: Oh no...
*Mel has changed to Mely in contacts*
Mely: Ugh please change it back.
Boo-Bear: Ugh finneee only because I am imagining you doing a puppy dog face
Mely: :D
*Mely has changed to Mel in contacts*
Mel: Thanks Lou
Boo-Bear: Anything for you ;)
Mel: Louis!
Boo-Bear: What?! :D
Mel: No no! Lou I can't breathe. The heart machine is speeding up. Lou I'm starting to see black.
Boo-Bear: Did you call a doctor?!
Boo-Bear: Mel?!
Boo-Bear: Mel please answer me!
Boo-Bear: Sh*t no this can't be happening!
Boo-Bear: I haven't even told you how I feel.
Boo-Bear: I'm coming Mel don't worry.
Louis pov-
I put my phone into my pocket grabbing my car keys and rushing out the door. Jumping in my car and starting it I drive right away. "No no no this can't be happening!" I say slamming my hand into the wheel in anger. Suddenly a loud honk comes from somewhere. And I slam into the brake. My chest hits the steering wheel. "I almost went through a red light! THAT would've been bad!" I state driving when the light turns green. I reach the hospital in no time. Texting Niall was the first thing. Because I know he would hate me if I didn't tell him.
Louis: Niall get your arse to the hospital!
Niall: What why?
Louis: It's Mel.
Niall: I'm on my way.
He years through the dork a few seconds later. How he got here so fast. No idea. "What's goin' on 'ere!?" He states running a hand through his hair. "She texted me saying the heart monitor was going crazy and she was seeing black." I mange to say but my voice quivers.
Niall runs to the desk while I run to her room. Only to find her bed empty. Her phone screen shattered once again on the floor. I pick it up slowly. The screen was still on meaning it couldn't have been long ago. But her screen was on our conversation and she was 'bout to send something. It was hard to tell what it said but I got it and tears came to my eyes. I put her phone in my pocket. I needed to respond to her unsent message, but face to face.

Niall pov-
"Excuse me miss but where is Mel El???" I say hurriedly. The nurse looks up doing a double take to see me. "You're N-Niall Horan!"  She says excitedly I mentally roll my eyes I have things to deal with! "Yeah I am but can you tell me where Mel El is please!!??" I say my voice getting slightly louder in frustration. She nods but before she goes she pushes her cleavage up so it shows more. I shudder reminds me of Chelsy. She types fastly and looks up. "She's in ER apparently her heart sped up causing it to over work it's self and it's stopped." She states. I feel my eyes water and Louis break a sob. He must have came at the wrong moment and heard everything. "S-so she's dead?" I ask with my voice cracking. Her face holds pity. "I'm so sor-" Louis cuts her off. "SORRY?! That's all you have to say is sorry?! YOUR DOCTORS APPARENTLY DONT KNOW HOW TO DO THEIR F**KING JOB!" He slams his hands down on the desk as he shouts harsh words. He must have realized the faces and recognized what he had done. "I-I'm sorry it's just-" he sobs falling to the floor. I fall down with him crying our hearts out.

Mel pov-
It all happens so fast. The darkness can run flashes. The first flash I see a hallway ceiling. Many others I don't exactly remember. The last one though I see a bright flash of light. And it all fades into white. I cover my eyes as the light fades away. In front of me is a giant iPhone 5s. "What the heck?!" I say panicking. Suddenly it flashes on. I realized it was a memory. I've heard about this. When you're dying you see a flash of all your best memories. "I'm dying?" I mutter to myself. But a voice pulls me away from my thoughts as I look up at the screen.

I tripped Niall while he was on the ground I picked up his Nandos and ran into the back alley. On top of a dumpster lid eating his fried chicken with chopsticks. "Oi! That's mine!" Niall shouted, I look up fastly, noticed him and took off running with the food. He chased after me before I took a sharp turn causing Niall to run into the wall and passing out. I giggle slightly at that part it makes me laugh.
Tears come to my eyes as I think about it. I loved that day. Another memory comes as well. (A/n I'm just going to briefly go over others)
"For all I know I could be a- is that a carrot sword?" I laugh nervously "Yeah..." he gives me a strange look. (Skip over some parts because I'm writing this with my memory) I bite my lip. "Can we maybe Skype more?" He nods his head excitedly. The tears seem to work on their own as they effortlessly stream down my face.
(A/n reached 1000 Words!) The prank memory came next. Me forgiving him. Me about to text him I love you. Till it all went wrong. My cries are loud and the phone fades till it's gone. It's then that I realize the scenery through my tears. A field. The field my dad took me to when I was younger. Suddenly 2 beams of light appear. I cover my eyes since it's to bright. When the brightness fades a see the beams and a shadow coming out- wait a shadow?! I look at it with fear till I feel a familiar feeling of protectiveness go through my body. The shadow hugs me and I look up I see a face I'd never thought I'd see again. "Dad!" I say hugging him back. "Princess." He whispers sadly in my ear. He died a few years ago along with the rest of my family. I was living with a foster family. "Dad I've missed you so much." I cry into him. He runs my back and kisses my forehead affectionately. "You need to choose Mel." He says looking into my eyes. "Choose?" I ask with confusion. "Are you staying or are you going?" He asks. And suddenly I got it. Should I die or should I stay. I love my family. But I love my friends as well. "We will always be with you Mel." A small voice squeaks hugging my waist. I turn slowly hugging the body tightly. "TOBY!" I cry kissing his face over and over as he giggles. "I've decided." I say hugging my father,mother, and baby brother. "What's your choice?"My mum asks. "It's..."

Louis pov-
She's dead. She's gone. "The files were just updated!" The lady states. "Yeah to tell everyone she's dead." I say sadly. She shakes her head. "No! They stabilized her. She's breathing again." The nurse says. Me and Niall break out into smiles. Her smile fades slightly when she reads the rest. "What what's wrong?!" Niall says in panic. "Though she's stabilized. She's in a coma..." She says sadly. I feel my heart drop. "Is there a chance she'll ever wake up?" I ask.
"There's a 43% chance she will." A voice says from behind us. We turn to see the doctor. "43 is better than 10" Niall states. The doctor nods. "That is correct Mr. Horan. She has a 33% better chance than most of our patients. She must be staying for something." He says cracking a small smile. I nod. "We sadly can not detect when she will wake up. Could be hours,days,weeks, months. Just be prepared for anything." He says walking away. The nurse tells us to follow her into the ER. There in a room is Mel. Her already pale complexion makes her look like a ghost. I move closer and put her hand in mine. It's ice cold. She's always had cold hands. Smiling I whisper into her ear. "Don't worry I'll wait so I can finally tell you." I sit in the chair as Niall speaks to her as well. We won't give up Mel. Never.

A/n HOLY MELTDOWN. This made my eyes water. What do you think the unsent message said?? If you have a clueless mind she chose to stay instead of go. This book is actually coming to an end. This is really exciting and sad for me. My precious books. That no one barely reads :( There will be an epilogue. :D but also the next chapters are going to be in Louis pov. Another thing I have no idea what patients do when they are I comas and I don't know if the death thing is true. I'm not a doctor. I LOVE YOU MUFFINS BAIIIII

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