Mornings. Ughh

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Adam at the top^^

POV Angelina.
"RISE AND SHINE LINA!!" Adam bursted into my room. "Training today, be down in ten for breakfast. After that you can change and we'll get started."

"But I don't wanna!" I whined, burying my face in the pillow.

"Well, you're gonna!" He taunted pulling the blankets off me. Making me shiver as the cold air hit my bare legs. "We're gonna try to get you as much training as possible. Because you gotta go back to school on monday."

"Noooo!!" I said dramatically, because it was Wednesday.

"Just have to do it this way then!" He shrugged and pulled me up.

"What the-" My scrunched up as he threw me over his shoulder. "Damnitt!" I cursed as he walked down the stairs.

"There ya go!" He dropped me on one of the bar chairs. "Now what do you want for breakfast?" He slapped his hands together.

"What do you got to offer?" I mocked his clapping with a fake excitement.

"Name anything." He stated as a grumpy look took over my face again.

"Don't know, I usually don't eat breakfast." I leaned my head on my fist.

"You like pancakes?" He offered.

"I guess." I shivered slightly. Adam dragged me down while I was still in my pjs. Which consisted of a short with pokeballs on it. Along with a white t shirt with Pikachu on it.

"There you go." Ashton chirped as he handed me a sweater. "I heard you getting dragged down the stairs. Quite sure you were in you pjs so I brought this with me."

"Thanks, Ash." I smiled, putting on the red hoodie.

"No problem, Lina." He smiled,

"After breakfast, you need to change and we'll check out your skills. You got any experience?" Adam asked while mixing the batter.

"I used to do boxing when I was fourteen. But I stopped after a half year." I propped my feet up the bar stool.

"Where were your parents from?" Ashton asked. "I can see that you're not a normal white girl."

"My dad is Spanish, Moluccan and Australian. My mother is English and a small part French." I answered.

"We also need to go shopping." Anthony came in, Ace shuffling behind him. "I've seen her closet and if we want to get those bitches back. She is gonna need some new shit."

"Anthony, I hate shopping. Also I can't afford it. Like," I sat up straighter. "I have a good sense of style, I just don't have the money."

"Well, then you get this day off. We are going shopping. You can also get to know us." Adam stated as he handed me a plate.

"Thanks," I said before eating.

"Lina, I'm gonna ask you a question okay?" Adam leaned his arms on the counter.

"I don't like the way this conversation is going." I took a bite from the pancake.

He chuckled, before turning serious. "Do you have any idea why that Vicky girl bullies you?"

"It's Venice, and no. I just figured that she hates me, I think." I shrugged.

"She is just a jealous bitch." Anthony said.

"What's there to be jealous of?" I turned to him.

"You're pretty." Ash told me.

"That's not a reason to mentally and physically abuse someone." I informed.

"Bullies will take anything." Ace said before standing up. He went upstairs as I faced Adam with a confused look.

"Just let him be for a while." He answered my look. "Go change." He nodded his head towards the stairs when he saw that I was finished.

"If you carry me back upstairs." I said.

"What, Why?" Adam said shocked.

"I not wearing thick socks, shoes or slippers. Also, I absolutely hate walking around bare foot." I informed.

"Why is that?" Anthony quirked an eyebrow.

"Because then I can feel all the crumbs and fluffs underneath my feet. And it freaks me out." I shuddered.

"I'll take you." Ash offered. "Hop on." He turned his back to me and I held onto his neck as he put his arms under my knees.

I heard the shower turn up when we were walking up the stairs. "There ya go." Ash said the exact same thing as Adam.

"Thanks." I lowered myself on the soft white carpet of my bedroom. I closed my door and skipped over to my bathroom.

After taking a quick shower, I changed into black skinny jeans and a big white knitted sweater. Underneath that I wore my old yet shiny timberlands.

I put my IPhone 6 in my back pocket. It was a gift from my mother just before she passed away. One on the few things I haven't thrown to the wall.

"Alright, I'm done." I announced as I bounced down the stairs.

"W- How?" Adam gazed at me from the couch. "The guys aren't even ready yet."

"We are!" Anthony exclaimed as the three of them rushed down the stairs.

"Shotgun!" I yelled as they led the way to the garage. I swear, this place is like a freaking maze.

"Are you really gonna make three broad guys squeeze in the back?" Ace said with a blank face.

"Lemme think," I tapped my chin. "Yes!"

"I like her already!" Adam laughed as he got in a black SUV.

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