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POV Angelina.
School is starting in a few days, I really don't want to go back. Ace and I have been, how should I put it, different?

He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. We're acting only a little different. He would occasionally hug me or peck my forehead. Sure, we hold hands but we haven't done anything special. New year was already four days ago.

"Angelina, table six!" Adelynn snapped my out of my daze. Oh yeah, we opened the cafe. Well it's more of a cafe slash diner kind of thing.

It's only the second day and it's already quite busy. Ash and Arthur have been helping Adrianna out in the kitchen. Anthony and Adam do the business. Adrian did the design and occasionally helps out in the kitchen as well. And Ace is just sitting around, as always.

I dusted off my apron and went to table six. "Hello, welcome to A-Class. How can I help you?" I stared at my notepad, waiting for their reply.

"Angelina?" A voice asked, making me freeze. I glanced up and came face to face with Tyson, Nick and Patrick.

"Your order please?" I gritted through my teeth.

"We'll have two vanilla milkshakes and theee bagels, please." Patrick asked, I wrote it down and turned around.

"Wait!" A hand wrapped around my wrist, halting my pace.

"What?!" I spun around to see Tyson with a certain look on his face.

"Carly and I broke up." He informed me.

"Good for her!" I smirked, trying to get my wrist from his grasp.

"Listen-" he started but he was cut off by Ace.

"Please, refrain from touching our waitresses." He requested not so kindly. Detachting my wrist from Tyson's grip.

"You again!" Nick growled, standing up as well.

"Yes me again!" Ace pulled me behind him. "Got a problem?"

"Well actually-" Nick's stupid reply was cut short by a powerful voice.

"Is there something wrong?" Adam wondered, Anthony and Adrian by his side.

"No sir." Patrick answered, grabbing the two and pulled them down to sit.

"Good." Adam said smugly before returning to the back.



"God, I'm so tired." Ailani whined, planting her butt on a chair. Adelynn put the closed sign on the door and sighed.

"You did well." Ashton smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"It was a good day." Anthony grinned, counting the money.

"Someone even asked to see the chef." Adrianna said happily. "He wanted to compliment me personally."

"He just wanted to give his number." Adam rolled his eyes. "Because he thought you were hot."

"Atleast someone thinks I'm hot." She flipped her hair over her shoulder sassily. Adam glared for a second and then went to the back.

"There we go again." Arthur rolled his eyes.

"We should head home." Ace appeared beside me and slung an arm over my shoulder. I sighed, leaning on him. This day has really worn me out.

"They can come later." Adrian shrugged and we made our way to the cars. Ace opened the passenger door for me, so I entered the Aston Martin.

After we got home, everyone retreated to their rooms. Except Ace and I, we went to the movie room to watch a litte more Teen Wolf.



I felt arms lift me up, not daring to move I peeked through my lashes.

Ace had his arms wrapped around me while he carried me bridal style. "I know you're awake." His chest vibrated as he continued walking. I just grinned goofily at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yet, you're still carrying me." The grin glued on my face.

"Shut up!" He mumbled as he strutted into my room. Ace dropped me on the bed, making sure to add a little power.

I bounced on the bed but sat still when Ace joined me. "Hey." He grinned, his face inches from mine.

"Bye." I pushed him, causing him to tumble off the bed. A groan escaped his lips, so I shot up. "You're hurt." I frowned as I spotted a cut on his lower arm.

"No shit captain obvious." Ace got up and went to my bathroom.

"To your service, officer sarcasm." I saluted and grabbed the first aid kit. While he leaned against the sink.

He chuckled at my reply but then winced because I showed no mercy cleaning his wound.

"Thank you." He stared me down as I put a band aid on it.

"No problem." I grinned.

"A kiss to make it better?" Ace held his injured arm out to me.

I kissed it and smiled. "Better?" He nodded.

"I'm injured somewhere else too." He pouted. Worry took over my features as I let my eyes trail his body, trying to find another injury. "Right here." He pointed to his lips.

"Yeah sure." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious, my lips are lonely." He pouted. "Kiss 'em!" He whined, tickling my sides softly.

"Okay okay!" I grinned, pulling him down by the neck. Letting his lips meet mine.

"You did great today." He smiled after we pulled away.

"So did you." I replied. "I really thought you would tear his throat out."

"I was planning on that." He nodded his head nonchalantly. "But Adam interfered."

"I'm tired." I whined, leaning my head against his chest. I walked out the bathroom and laid down on my bed.

"Go to bed." Ace nudged me.

"Will you sleep beside me?" I pouted.

"Sure." He took off his shirt. "Here."

After I changed in the bathroom. We went to bed.

"Goodnight Ace." I pecked his jaw.

He put his arm around me. "Goodnight Angel."

From nerd to badass.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें