Back to school.

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POV Angelina.
It's been two weeks since New Year, we're back at school. Ace had caught the flu so I was stuck with Lynn and Lani.

"He still hasn't asked you yet?!" Adelynn gasped. "It's been two weeks already."

"It's not a big deal anyway." I shrugged, he likes me and I like him. As simple as it is.

"It has to be official." Lani said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "He needs to ask you as his girlfriend."

"Like Ace would go for a loser like you." An annoying voice appeard behind me.

"Ugh, it's here again." Adelynn scoffed.

"What do you want?" I turned, expecting to see Venice but saw Carly instead.

"I want you to get me Tyson." She said like a high class bitch.

"You expect me to do that after you insulted me?!" I laughed humorless.

"I really need to speak to him." She insisted.

"See this." I held up my phone. "You use it to call people, try it." I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious." She groaned but I just laughed. Suddenly, Carly gave me a bitch slap.

"Bitch!" I growled and went to punch her. She wrapped her arms around herself and bent over a bit.

"I'm pregnant." She whispered, I dropped my fist to my side. "So I really need your help, because he know but still walked out."

"Why me tho, ask Nick or Patrick." I replied.

"He'll only listen to you." She begged.

"I'll see what I can do."



"Why did you agree??" Ailani asked as we put on our aprons.

"I did it for that baby." I answered. "Not for her of Tyson. Purely for their baby."

"You're too sweet." Adelynn shook her.

"Got it from my mom." I smiled and went to the counter.

The guys were helping around in the kitchen. Except for Ace, he was still at home.

I spotted Nick, Patrick and Tyson at the same table as the last time. My anger rose, he informed my that they broke up but not that she is pregnant.

"Why did you and Carly broke up?" I asked not so sublt after they gave their orders.

"Just a small discussion." Tyson shrugged it off.

"About the baby?" I wondered out loud, causing his eyes to grow wide.

"Yeah, that..." He was in thought. Probably about how I knew.

"How dare you leave your girlfriend when she is pregnant with YOUR baby?!!" I snapped.

"It's her baby." He shrugged his shoulders.

I hit the back of his head with my notepad. "It takes two to tango." I kept hitting him on his shoulder and chest. "Go. And. Talk. To. Her!"

"Okay Fine!" He stood up abruptly. "Just stop hitting me! It hurts!"

I grinned and winked at Adelynn. I continued my shift, a smile plastered on my face.




I walked through the door after I closed up the cafe. The guys were going out for a drink but I wanted to check up on Ace.

I smiled as Abraxas came to greet me. "What's this?" I scrunched my eyebrows. A wooden sign hung around his neck. "Will you..."

"Will I what?" I read confused. Continuing my way to the living room.

There he was, in a dress shirt, with a sign that said 'Be mine?'
"Will you be mine?" Ace asked. Hope lingering in his eyes.

I chuckled and went up to him. Standing on my toes, planting my lips on his. Causing him to drop the paper, it landed on the ground with a thud.

"Does that answer your question?" I smiled.

"I think it does." He grinned as he covered my face with small kisses. Making me squeal and his grin got even bigger.

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