Christmas morning.

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POV Angelina.
I woke up, excited as hell. I've always loved christmas. But last year I was alone, that's why I'm anticipating it so much.

I got out my bed and went downstairs. Presents were laying under our tree and snow coated the streets.

I groaned, when I saw that no one was there yet. I trudged back up the stairs. "Anthony wake up!" I stormed into his room and jumped on his bed.

"Go away!" He groaned, turning over. I shook him until he turned to face me.

"I need your help!!" I whined, dragging Tony out of bed. We went to the music room and I forced him to pick up a speaker. The thing you plug a guitar into.

He put it in the hall as I plugged the electric guitar into it. After turning the volume up high, I started playing World on fire by Slash.

Anthony rolled his eyes before covering his ears. A few seconds later everyone came out their rooms except Ace. I swear that boy can sleep through a zombie apocalypse.

"Put this away!" Adam scowled at the guitar. "But you play well!"

"Thanks." I handed the guitar to the Ashton. "I'll wake up the sleeping beauty."

I walked into his room and dropped myself on his bed. "Wake up!" I poked his cheek. Both of us were laying on our sides, facing each other. "It's christmas for fucks sake." I whined.

A small groan escaped his mouth before he turned. Making himself comfortable on his stomach. "Ace Delgado!" I pushed his shoulder, making him tumble off the bed.

He took the blankets with him. I peeked over the edge. He just continued sleeping on the floor. "Alec!" I yelled.

Footsteps were heard and not long after the door opened. "Help?" I sat on the bed, like a little kid.

Alec whispered something in my ear and I slapped him on his arm. The smack was heard loud and clear through the room.

He grabbed a pillow and started hitting me with it. "Ow ow ow!" I tried to shield my face as he showed no mercy.

"Louder!" He whispered as he hit me harder.

"That hurts!" I yelled. In a split second Alec was pushed off me. I opened my eyes confused and saw Ace standing next to the bed.

"If she says it hurst, you stop!" Ace warned Alec, who was on the ground with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Told ya it would work!" He said and then walked out.

"Let's goo!" I tugged him along to the living room. "Now we can open the presents."

They spread out on the couches but Adrian and I sat on the ground. Everyone was still in their pajamas.

We opened presents and I got new beats headphones. After everyone got their gifts, hands covered my eyes.

"Follow me, Angel." One hand stayed over my eyes and one wrapped around my waist. We walked like penguins until a cold wind greeted my face.

"Keep going." Ace pushed me slightly and my feets landed onto something cold and wet.

"Are we outside?" I asked confused. He didn't reply and just kept ushering me forward.

His hand uncovered my eyes and I was greeted by two puppies. "Oh my god!" I gasped and fell to my knees. The two of them charged at me, making me fall back in the snow. It was fucking cold but I didn't care. So there I sat, in our driveway, covered in snow in my jammies.

After the nine of us played with the dogs, something cold smashed on my head. I turned around to see Ace whistling innocently.

I made a snowball and creeped up to him, the ball behind my back. "Bent down a little." I told him, grabbing him by the back of his neck.

I could feel the guys and Adrianna watching us. Ace stared into my eyes with anticipation. I leaned closer, keeping my gaze on him. Without him noticing , my hand flung out to his head. Smacking the snow on the top of his head.

His eyes widened and I took that as my cue to leave. Squealing as I ran away, snow kept flying past me.

I ran past Arthur and saw him gobsmacked as a snowball hit him in the face. Don't they have it terribly cold. Having a snowfight without a shirt, tsk weirdos.

Arthur threw one back at Ace but that one hit Adam. We froze until he grinned and smacked a hand full of snow on Adrianna's face.

By now, all of us were running around while throwing snow around. Abraxas and Ariel were running after us, barking happily. At that moment I felt real happiness.

"Ahem." A voice made us stop. I turned to find the man, I didn't want to see again.

"What do you want?" Adrianna snapped from behind Adam.

"I came to talk." He stepped towards me, Ace went to stand Infront of me but was stopped by me.

I stood infront of my father and did the first thing that came into my mind. I bitch slapped him.

"Who do you think you are?!" He growled at me.

I backhanded him. "That's who I am!" I spat. "Now what are you doing here?"

"I told you I came to talk." He rolled his eyes. "I wanted to apologize."

"For what exactly?" I said sarcastically. "Breaking into my house while you could've knocked on the goddamn door? Leaving without reason and coming back out of the blue? Or kidnapping me from the people I love?"

"All of it." He looked up at me. "So if you still want me in your life, I'd be happy. If not, then I'll leave you alone."

"The latter please." Ace glared and began to turn me away from my father.

"Wait!" I can't just let him leave like that. "I'd like to meet up under better circumstances."

"What!" Everyone except Anthony yelled.

"I'll give you my number and then maybe we can go drink coffee or so." I smiled softly.

"Really, thank you so much!" He handed me his phone and I typed in my number. I sent myself a text. "I'll leave now."

"Bye." I waved as he got in his car and drove away.

"What was that?!" Ace snapped from behind me.

"Oh shh." I chuckled. I kissed the bottom, almost the side, of his jawline, since I couldn't reach any higher.

I skipped inside, the dogs following happily. I could even feel the weird stares in the back of my head. I hopped up the stairs to take a shower.

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