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POV Angelina.
They won the game and we catched up for about fifteen minutes. It was quite hard but Ace was hungry so we didn't have a choice.

We were at KFC and Ace was stuffing his face with hot wings. I was just drinking an oreo crushy and nibbling on some filet bites.

"You thinking about playing again?" Ace asked, before snatching a filet bite from me.

"Maybe." I shrugged, not really paying attention.

"You should." He stopped eating. "I saw the way you were looking at them. Not just looking, observing. Trying to get the best out of the team." I just sat silently, watching him trying to convince me. "I haven't seen you play, but I know. I know for sure that volleyball is a big part of your life."

"It is, it used to be." I looked down at the table. He was right, I really missed playing. Maybe I am going back.

"Let's go!" Ace stood up and we made our way to TopShop. We wandered around a bit, just joking around. Until I lost Ace, it always happens. I would lose my mom also in stores.

"Ace?" I went to the second floor, the man section. All eyes turned to me, kinda creepy. I turned back and made my way downstairs again.

"Lina?" A male voice called me. I spun around with a smile on my face. Only, it wasn't Ace.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"You looking for someone?" He smirked, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Not for you!" I tried to brush past him.

"Not so fast!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. I kept struggling and telling him to let me go.

"What do you think you're doing?!" An angry voice snapped. A hand grabbed my other wrist.

"I'm taking her with me!" Tyson snapped.

"No way!" Ace roughly pushed his hand of my wrist. I got pulled behind Ace. "Stay the fuck away from her!"

"What do you wanna do about it?!" Tyson dared, stepping closer.

"I will make sure you'll never see daylight again!" Ace growled in a low voice.

"Is that a threat?" Tyson cocked an eyebrow.

"It's a fucking warning!" Ace snapped before taking me away.

"Ace calm down!" I tried to stop him since he was kinda crushing my hand. "ACE!" I yelled.

"Sorry." He stopped abruptly. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." I smiled softly, I stepped into the car.


When we got home, I went straight to my room. I changed into my white baseball jersey with Goddess 99 on the back. Some loose black shorts underneath it.

I crawled into bed. Deciding to take a short nap.

"Wake up!!" Someone yelled as I felt a weight on me. I peeked through my lashes and saw Lani had placed her small body on my hip.

"What the hell!?" I sat up, making her roll off me. "I thought you guys had to go home."

"Yeah, yesterday, idiot." Adelynn sat down. "It's 11 AM."

"Wtf!?" I said groggily. I really slept trough the evening and night?

"Let's watch some youtube to wake you up!" Ailani exclaimed, taking my phone. She searches something and then handed the phone to me.

"You guys listen to kpop?" I asked as I watched BTS dance on my phone.

"Yeessssss!!" They exclaimed. 

"We also speak Korean." Adelynn said.

"Okay, whose your bias (Fave)?" I asked.

"J-hope!" Lani yelled as Adelynn said "Rapmon. But Jin and Jimin as wreckers."

"Alright..." I said mischievously.

The entire day we played video games and ate junk food.

Sorry for the short chap. I don't know how to end this one.

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