Movie night.

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POV Angelina.
Once we got home, the girls and I went straight to my room. I grabbed the smallest size I had in my closet and handed them to Lani. Them being a short, that'll probably be too big on her and a sweater.

Adelynn wore sweats of mine. A plain white T shirt ontop of it.

"Guys, you pick out a movie and I'll go get snacks." I said. "I'll change out of my dress after I come back."

"Okay, but we're still girls." Adelynn replied.

"Sorry," I chuckled. "Kind of a habit." I trudged down the stairs barefooted. All guys stared at me as I walked in, I simply ignored them.

I grabbed potato chips, soda, reese's and two tubs of ice cream. I went back to my room and dropped everything on the bed. Where Lina and Lynn were laying, underneath the blankets.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Lynn shouted, unaware of who it could be. Anthony entered and Adelynn fell silent. After him all the others entered. She just stared at them, mouth a little agape.

"Lina, can we have a moment?" Anthony gestured to the door. I nodded and followed them silently. "Who is she?" Tony asked, not beating around the bush.

"Adelynn, she locked herself up in an empty classroom. I picked the lock with my bobby pins and comforted her." I explained. None of them said anything and retreated to their rooms or downstairs. Anthony on the other hand, stayed with me.

"How come all the girl friends you make, are the ones you comfort when they cry?" He wondered out loud.

I sighed, "I don't even know." I rubbed my forehead. It is true, Ailani came to me crying also.

"You still worried about your father?" Tony noticed my tenseness. I nodded, taking my thumb nail between my teeth. Not like nail biting, but just to keep me sane. "It's gonna be okay." Anthony pulled me in a hug. His head leaning on mine as his 6'3 towered my 5'9.

"I hope so." My voice muffled because my face was pressed against his chest. I smiled as we pulled back. He just flashed one back before kissing me on the fore head. After that he nudged me towards the room.

I walked back in and finally changed into black Nike track pants and a black Nike sports bra. "Hey, not to be rude but what's that on you ankle?" Adelynn asked.

"Huh?" I looked down, to see the knife still strapped to my leg. "Oh that's nothing!" I quickly took it off and threw it into one of my drawers. "What are we watching?" I plopped down in the middle of them.

"I decided that I don't want to watch a movie anymore!" Adelynn exclaimed.

"And when exactly did you do that?" Lani quirked an eyebrow.

"About three seconds ago." She jumped up. "I wanna play video games!" Adelynn gathered all the food.

"To the game room we go!" Lani said, leading the way. "Nevermind, Lina you lead the way." She scratched the back of her neck. I chuckled and walked to the game room.

"Out!" Ailani yelled at Ashton, Adrian and Alec. They were playing COD and paused the game, looking at us in shock.

"Yeah, what makes you think we'll listen to you?" Alec scoffed.

"You wanna deal with a heart broken girl?!" Adelynn tried to look sad.

"A girl on her period?!" Ailani sassed, causing the guys to have a Too Much Information look on their faces.

"Well, I'm just me." I shrugged. Not being heartbroken or on that time of the month.

"A highly aggressive, food loving giant!?" Ailani said pointing her thumb to me.

"Hey!" I was offended, I slapped her shoulder.

"I rest my case." She grinned. "Now, bugger off!" She slapped them on their shoulders.

"Lina!" Adrian whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Just leave, dimples." He looked at me confused. "I like your dimples." I shrugged.

After they finally left, we turned on the game cube. Yes, I know. That thing is really old, but hey it still works. Besides, we could play Mario Kart.

After an hour of me kicking their asses, Ailani decided we should play on the WII. We played Just dance, Boxing and Super Mario Bros.

"We should probably go to bed." Adelynn said even though Lani was already knock out. I picked her up and carried her to my room. It kinda helped that she's small.

Adelynn and I crawled into bed also after turning off the lights. I was placed in the middle and laid on my side to face Adelynn.

"Thanks, Angelina." She looked at me.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Breaking into that classroom, comforting me and taking me with you." She smiled, readjusting her head.

"It's nothing." I smiled.

"Who are all those guys though?" Adelynn questioned, referring to earlier when they all stormed into my room.

"I live with them." I chuckled. "One as guardian and the others he took in. Three with me and three somewhere else."

"They are hot!" She whisper yelled.

"I know, but they're like brothers to me." I grinned.

"I'm gonna be here a lot." She grinned back.

"That's fine by me." I smiled before closing my eyes.

I heard the door creak open fifteen minutes later. Adelynn was already asleep but I was still wide awake.

Footsteps approached, I quickly closed my eyes and then I felt the blanket pulled up. It was now over my shoulder instead of at my waist. "Goodnight Angel." Ace's voice greeted me.

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