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POV Angelina.
It's been almost a week and we still haven't heard from my father. It was kinda nice, no bullies and Ailani stayed with me most of the time. Ace finally got used to her but he still tends to keep quiet around her.

Ace and I were walking down the hallways during lunch. "You little son of a bitch!" Tyson's voice ran through the halls.

I sent Ace a look before going the direction where it came from. A few seconds later, I was greeted with a horrible scene.

There was a defenseless nerd laying on the ground. Tyson kept kicking him, shouting profanities.

Ace thought quick and grabbed Ty's collar. "What the hell are you doing?!" Ace growled dangerously low.

"Giving this kid what he deserves!" Tyson struggled a bit. Making Ace push him against the wall, keeping a tight grip. I helped the boy up and made sure he stayed behind me.

"What did he do?" I asked quite curious. That question shut him up.

"You were beating him without reason?!" Ace put more pressure on him. Again, Tyson just kept silent. "If I ever see you bullying an innocent again. I won't have mercy."

"Are you okay?" I asked the nerdy guy. He seemed younger, like a sophomore. Also he was just as tall as me.

He nodded, looking at me. I think he is Korean. "I'm okay now. Thank you." He bowed his head shortly before scurrying away.

"How about you?" I faced Ace. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He said shortly before going towards the lockers. Weird.

**Later that day**

Ailani and I went to Starbucks. Ace wasn't exactly sure of letting me go without him. But after a pout he agreed.

"Lina?" Ailani called me as I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Lani?" I chuckled.

"Can you do me a favor?" She asked. "You really can't say no okay?"

"Depends on what it is." I shrugged.

"You need to go to the Fall Ball." Ailani stated. "With me."

"What?! No!" I refused.

"Please??" She begged. "Ace can even come."

"Why?" I wondered.

"I really think it would be fun." She smiled at me.

"Okay, but you owe me." I pointed at her. "A lot!"

"I'll buy you food, do your make up when you're done and help you find a dress!" She started planning all kinds of things.

"I'm already regretting it..." I mumbled, taking a sip from my hot chocolate.

"Oh shush!" She grinned while drinking her latte. "Tomorrow we are going dress shopping, since they're letting us go earlier. Also, you need to tell Ace when you get home."

"Why would I tell Ace?" I tilted my head.

"He is most likely coming along if you go." Ailani shrugged. "And you'll be dead if you sneak out. I've known you guys a little more than a week and I already know that Ace won't let you do a thing without letting him know."

"You're right." I groaned.

** At home**

"Ace!" I walked into his room, without knocking. He was sitting at his desk.

"What?!" He said, not looking up from the papers.

"I going to the Fall Ball." I informed him, while observing his room. I've never been here before.

"Isn't that tomorrow?" He stopped his work when he noticed me looking around.

"Yep, Ailani and I will go shopping after school, I'm not exactly looking forward to it." I sat down on his bed. "But she said she'd buy me food."

"And you're telling me this, why?" Ace looked at me.

"Because I know that you won't let me go without permission." I raised an eyebrow.

"So what do you expect me to do now?" He asked. "Go with you?"

"You're not coming with me then?" I asked suprised.

"Oh I am!" He chuckled. "But thanks for giving me the heads up. I'll get a suit later."

"No problem." I smiled at him before walking downstairs. I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered pizza.

A while later the bell rang. "I'll get it!" Adam yelled as he stomped down from his office. I just chuckled and got up as well. Adam probably didn't take his wallet.

"Lina!" He yelled as he saw the delivery guy.

"Yeah?" I snuck up behind him. Scaring him, causing him to almost drop the pizza boxes.

"Geez!" Adam put a hand over his heart. "Pay the guy and don't do that again!"

I just laughed while handing the guy his money. "Can I have your number also?" He sent me a flirtatious smirk.

"What did you say?" Ashton said as he, Anthony, Ace and Adam appeared behind me.

"Nevermind!" He quickly scurried off.

"Really?" I turned around after closing the door. "All of you?" They looked at me with a guilty face. "Whatever, let's just eat."

They cheered and ran to the living room. We ate there because it was just pizza. Not home made or something.

"Angelina is going to the ball!" Ace suddenly blurted out in a teasing tone.

"Really?" Ash and Tony questioned at the same time.

"Yeah, why so shocked?" I asked offended.

"Just didn't take you as the type who into that stuff." Adam blended in.

"Well, I'm only going because Ailani wants me to." I shrugged.

"Who's that?" Adam asked.

"A new girl, she came over a few times when you guys weren't here." I mumbled, his mouth stuffed with pizza.

"Why haven't we met her?" Tony quirked an eyebrow.

"She really is something, not as much as Angelina though." Ace replied.

"Well, Lina is indeed something." Ash agreed.

"I feel so loved." I put my hand over my heart.

"We know." Adam said before eating the last slice of his pizza.

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