"Lucifer the light bringing morning star."

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Chapter 10

"No Tina, I'm sorry. I cannot move you up in the line up for the show." I explained for the ninety time.

"Why not Candice? You're the one whose organizing it! You can do whatever you want." I looked at the pretty red head and frowned.

"It's in a week. I can't do a thing. Everything is already planned. It went to the planning committee. There is nothing more I can do." I said again trying to keep my tone as light as possible hoping my annoyance was kept well hidden.

Tina Henderson looked at me with tears in her eyes "Please Candice. I really need to be before Gregory." Gregory Philips was an awkward boy whose limbs were ridiculously out of proportion to the rest of his body. His brown hair was always slicked back with way to much gel and his glasses were way to big for his face. But he was cute in a geeky way, his pale blue eyes weren't of this world and damn could he paint. Abstract, intriguing, it made you feel something. Whether you understood what you were feeling or not. But he was a bit of a loner. Talked to only a handful of people.

When he had his talk with me about the Expo he could barely look me in the eye.

"May I ask why?" Curiosity got the better of me. Not really understanding why the red head beauty on tract for broadway stardom would want to sing before the dorky artist.

"Because I love him. I'm in love with him! I need to tell him. And the only way I can is through the Expo please."

I nodded, Tina was a singer, a good one at that. Her song choice was I will always love you, whether she was going the Dolly Parton route or Whittney I guess that was as good as any. Though I couldn't help but think of Lorelai Gilmore rendition.

"And you have to do this in such a grand gesture why?" I asked.

"It's the only way I know how."

My mind glazed over. She was in love with him. She didn't know how to tell him. The only way she knew how.

I sighed. "Okay. I'll figure something out. Give me till the end of the day."

Her brown eyes shone "thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!" She wrapped her arms around me and I stiffened up. She didn't realize how uncomfortable she was making me because she held on. "Really Candice! Thank you!"

After another minute she let me go. I let out the breathe I hadn't realized I was holding. I watched her scamper away happily.

My hands went to my neck and I rubbed the skin under the scarf. I let my fingers gentle caress the sensitive skin.

"Candice." Came a soft voice behind me.

I felt a shiver run down my spine. I slowly turned and found myself staring into emerald eyes. "Yes Emmet?" I asked quietly.

He smiled at me, his pink lips turning up on the corners. How can such a shy smile be so freaking hot. I felt my face heat up a bit. "That was awfully nice of you."

He had overheard my conversation with Tina. "Thanks, too bad I now have to convince another performer to change their position. What a nightmare." I joked humorlessly.

"I'll take her spot. I'm four slots before Gregory." He said, locking eyes with me. What was up with beautiful men and their eye contact. It was too intense I almost wanted to pass out.

"Are you sure?" My voice was breathy, shit.

"Yea. No worries. I don't care were I am. I didn't even want to do the Expo," he hand his large fingers through his dark hair, he glanced at me and his face turned bashful. "No offense! It's not like I think I'm too good or anything. I mean it's not like I don't understand the importance of it. I mean I get how much work you put into it and I-"

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