"Aileen Wuornos had nothing on you!"

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Chapter 13

I knew I was beautiful. It wasn't something that I was unaware of. I don't even think it's thinking highly of myself. I always felt knowing how attractive I was helped me be more self aware. But despite this I was always surprised when I was asked out.

I think that's what you call fake modesty.

So when Daniel asked me out I was a bit too cocky to think anything was weird about the situation.

Typically I would have said no. I've said no to everyone else in the past. Daniel normally would have been no exception. But I wanted to do something different. I wanted to have fun. I wanted to forget about my crazy stalker and his possible minions. On top of that I wanted to talk to a guy who liked me and didn't threaten to slice my mother's throat if he couldn't sleep on my bed. You know, someone who wasn't a crazy son of a Bitch.

He picked me up at my house. He had a small bouquet of flowers and a brilliant smile on his face. He took me to a decent restaurant with a great chicken parm and a bathroom so clean you could eat off the floor. He was charming and funny. I laughed and had fun my entire evening.

As we talked I couldn't help but feel a chill down my spine. Someone was watching me. I gotten out of my seat countless times to try to get a better look around the restaurant. Daniel must have thought the food was giving me bathroom problems, that's how many times I excused myself.

But each time I got up no one seemed out of place. I tried to tell myself I was paranoid.

I sat back down after the fourth time getting up that evening and decided that was that. I wouldn't get up again. I was done. I had finally relaxed when Daniel asked the question that I was most definitely not expecting, though I should have. "So do you have a thing with Emmet and Lucas?"

I looked down at my hands in my lap and swallowed loudly. Everyone up till now hasn't bothered to asked. I was just a two timing slut. No questions asked. I was already guilty. No need for a trial.

"No." I said quietly. I was kicking myself for not saying more, no defending myself. Because there was nothing I hated more then a girl in the books or movies getting caught in a bad situation and not explaining that it wasn't her fault. But in this moment I understood why they didn't say anything. It wouldn't matter if I had. Daniel was going to think what he wanted.

"Oh." He fell quiet for a minute then smiled "so want dessert?"

My mouth fell open in shock. "That's it?" I asked.

"Yea," when he realized how skeptical I was he continued "Candice you've given me no reason to think you'd lie to me. You've always been so nice to everyone. People love you, it doesn't shock me that someone has it out for you. And even if you did have something going on between the two of you that means I need to work even harder to get you to like me."

With that he gave me his women killing smile and I melted a little. I could feel my face turn hot as I blushed. "Thanks."

And with the rest of the night flew by rather peacefully. Daniel was sweet and kind as he had been all night. He was nothing but an absolute gentleman as he dropped me off at my door step and kissed my cheek goodbye. He promised he'd see me on Monday at school.

I liked him. I even considered him a good luck charm because that whole weekend Lucas never climbed into my bed.

But when I walked into school that day my blood turned to ice. Murmurs ran through the crowd the moment I walked in. Girls were crying and boys looked visibly upset.

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