Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Tell me about him." I tell Dee as we walk over to Star's corner stall.

"Star recently came to me for my more experienced kids to ride him. He is simply wonderful in the cross ties. He is as quiet as can be when grooming and tacking. But when you get on him is the problem. He is quite a handful and tends to bolt, buck, and rear. Typical actions for a young horse, but he needs a person like you on his back once or twice to straighten him out."

The rest of the way to Star's stall is silent. When we get to his stall Dee asks me to pull him out onto the cross ties. I do as she asks and try to act as quiet and relaxed around Star as I can be. Since horses can sense your mood I don't want him to stress.

"Hi Star." I croon to Star, gently stroking his cheek as I clip the cross ties to his orange nylon halter rings. He leans his head into me and slightly closes his eyes. I smile to myself at his gentle actions.

"Why don't you groom him and I will be right back with tack, a lunge rope, and a helmet. We can work mostly on mounting, walking, halting, and maybe a few steps of a calm, slow trot." Dee informs me. Nodding my head, she walks over to the tack room.

I take a red rubber curry comb from a bucket in the aisle and run it in circular motions over Star's body. Then I grab the hard brush and wisk the dirt off of his coat. After that I run the soft brush over his petite bay body to get rid of any excess hair on his body. Next I run a comb through his thin forelock, mane, and tail. Finally, I pick his feet. Dee was right. Star is a saint in the cross ties. I cannot picture him as a naughty horse when being ridden.

I fish a chunk of carrot out of my breeches pocket. Holding my hand out flat, Star greedily snatches up the treat.

Waiting for Dee, I hear someone call my name. 

"Ali! Is that you?" I turn around, mouth agape.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

:0 Short chapter but I thoought I would end here. Anyways HAPPY 2014!! I wish everyone a good year!

Who do you think the mystery person is? ;)

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