Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Laying in the stiff hotel bed, I stare blankly up at the ceiling. I haven't been able to sleep all night. Thoughts have been rushing through my mind like a river rapid. They can't stop. It is now 3:30 in the morning, and we will be leaving for the barn at 7:30 for my cross country ride at 10:30.

I sit up in bed, legs dangling over the side. This has to be settled. I cannot let my personal life get in the way of the biggest competition of my life. Standing up, I throw on a pair of grey sweats and a navy blue sweatshirt. I stick my bare feet into a pair of pastel pink flip flops and grab the room key card before leaving. I shut the door gently behind me.


Matt's room is three doors down from mine. Gradually, I make my way over to Matt's room door and give it a light knock. When there is no response, I knock a little harder and wait. After no answer, I decide he is either in a deep sleep or not in the room. I go with the 'not in the room' option and briskly walk over to the elevator.

I enter the elevator and press the button that says '1' for the first floor. The elevator door dings and opens on the ground level. The lights in the hotel lobby are dim, but I see a familiar figure sitting on a bench in the front of the hotel.


Sitting down on the bench next to the familiar figure on the bench, I stare straight ahead. I don't want to make eye contact with him. I have to remember not to let him pull the sorry card on me. He is the one who ruined my relationship with Drew, after all.

"Hi, Matt." I whisper quietly. My throat feels like it is filled with cotton.

He glances over at me. Matt bites his lip and says quietly, "Hi, Ali."

I let out a deep breath, debating on what I should say. Deep down, I know what is the right thing to do but I don't want to ruin my relationship with Matt, or Drew. I wish I didn't have to pick just one. I want to be selfish and have both of them, but I can't. Drew and Matt both mean the world to me. They are some of my best friends But the right thing fights its way out. "Matt, listen." I start, "I like you. You have become one of my best friends and are always there to help me. But, this isn't right. We aren't right. The truth of the matter is that I love Drew. I love him and I am not ready to let go. I think that it is best that we stay friends. I can't afford to loose you like I lost Drew." The words fall out of my mouth, and I cannot stop them. It is like I am on auto pilot.

Matt stares blankly ahead. He blinks a few times before speaking. "What I did was wrong. I am sorry. I don't want to loose you either. You and Drew deserve each other." His words come out dry and quiet. "Good night. Ali. See you in the morning." Matt gets up slowly and walks back into the hotel.

Once he is gone, I sit outside for a few moments, lost for words. This whole day has been a blur. Then I remember cross country is tomorrow and somehow, my entire demenor changes. I have a chance to win Rolex if I don't let my personal life get in the way of riding. I have a chance to win! Promising myself, I pledge to block out Matt, Drew, and anyone else who gets in my way until after Rolex.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry this was a short and boring chapter, but I needed to update. I have been busy for the past few weeks. Eventing season has started in full swing and I either have shows or clinics every weekend. Not to mention packing for an exciting weekend of Rolex! I was planning to upload earlier this weekend but I have had 3 12 hour shifts of foal watch at my barn for the past three days and I am exhausted. Thanks for reading

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