Part 12

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I sat in my room, on my laptop. It was a beautiful day, but I'd spent the whole morning on the Internet and playing League. As usual.

"Knock knock," I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around.

"Oh hey, Zander, what's up?" I asked my roommate, closing my laptop.

"Someone wants to see you," he said, gesturing his head that was poked into my door toward the living room.

I smiled. Joey.

"Tell him I'll be right there," I said. He nodded and closed the door. I looked in the mirror, fixed my hair a bit, and went out.

He stood there, outside, his hands in his jacket pockets, with his messy hair undone. I love it when he doesn't do his hair. I smiled.

"Well, hello there," I said.

"Hi," he greeted back, and pulled me into a gentle, 5-second kiss. We pulled away and he held onto my arm.

"How was the premiere? I'm sad I didn't get to watch," I said.

"Don't worry about it. It went great," he said.

"So why'd you come? Something special?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Just to be with you." I blushed a little bit.

"It's cold outside, Joey. Let's go in my room." I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. He sat on the bed, while I sat at the computer chair.

"So, Cat," Joey said.

"Yes?" I said.

"It's going to be Christmas and I got you a little something," he said, pulling a box out of his jacket pocket.

"I hate you," I blurted, not wanting to say the usual 'Aww, you didn't have to.'

"Why?!" he gasped, laughing loudly.

"Because! Alright..what is it?" I said.

"Catherine Valdes," He opened the small box, revealing a necklace shaped like a heart with a J on it. Inside, is 1 picture of him and 1 picture of the both of us. I held it gently in my hands and smiled. I looked up at him.

"It's for you to remember me.. Us.. Forever."

Cheesy. But you know...cute.

"Joseph Graceffa," I teased. "I present to you.. your Christmas gift."

I pulled out a small book.

"I made this little scrapbook, with pictures and items in it. I know, it's not the best gift, I also got you some headphones and some Minecraft crap but I'll give that to you after Christmas," I said.

"Aww, why?" he said, doing puppy dog eyes.

"You know we'll both be with our families for Christmas, away from LA," I said.

"Yeah, I know, that's what I did with the other stuff I got you. The necklace was just Part 1 of your present," he said, flipping through the scrapbook. He got to a page that had a receipt from the coffee shop he took me to.

"Cat, you're hashtag cray for keeping all of this stuff," he said, still flipping through the book of our memories.

"I know," I replied.

"That's why I love you," he said, pulling me into another kiss.


It's been almost 2 days since we've exchanged gifts, and we're both going on our flight soon. I texted Joey.

Joey graceffa + catrific Jatrific FanficWhere stories live. Discover now