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Yo man~! XD

Hahaha I'm being naughty, sorry. How are you?

Having you been resting well? You must rest okay? If not mommy would scold hahahaha 😂

It's afternoon here. And it's lunch time~

Don't skip meal okay? It isn't good to skip meals. Three meals in a day and every meal is as important as our lives so do have your lunch!

Recently, I heard that EXO have been having a two days concert in Taiwan.

Hope all of you got enough rest.

Although you should be roaming around the famous night market in Taiwan after the concert hahahaha.

There's a lot of food and I bet you would be happy seeing food.

How cute could that be? 😄

But still, be sure to rest in the hotel if you are really tired.

Your health is still your priority!

And oh yeah, happy belated birthday to Chanyeol oppa!

And Wang Xun gege too :)

Happy belated birthday to both of them.

Sorry that I'm a bit late but do send my regrets to them if is possible! ❤

Alright, I gotta have my lunch too! Bye Yi Xing (・∀・)


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