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One month; exactly one month that she ignored me since the day I kissed her.

I heaved a deep sigh when I saw her talking to Xiao Mai as usual; it frustrates me more that she smile to him.

I had try to talk to her for a few times but all she did is walking away from me like I'm invisible except for giving me my lunch and dinner.

"Aren't you eating, ge?" Jackson asked when I pulled my gaze back from her as i placed my chopsticks down, "I got no appetite." I stand up from the chair, "Where are you going?" I grabbed my coat, "To get some fresh air." I muttered as I head to the door, "Ge, at least drink something warm if you don't want to eat!" He shouted and I just shake my hand to him and exit the studio.

I took in a very deep breath and let it out after that; I found a quiet place as I leaned on the wall while thinking about everything that happened between us.

Me and Ice.

Seriously, why did I like her? I still can't find the reason why.

She's my assistant; she's supposed to just be my assistant only and we are not supposed to have any relationship.

Why am I acting like this?

"Jie, next time we want fried chicken!" I stood up straight from the wall when I heard many noises coming from the back of the alley; it makes me curious as I follow the noise, "Okay," My step came to a halt; that sounds like Ice?

I can't help but picked up my heels again as I quicken up my pace, "Thanks, jie!" The moment I reach the alley, I heard people shouting that and I saw many of the contestants are here with her standing at the end of the corner, smiling.

Smiling; she will never smile to me will she?

"What are you guys doing here?" I spoke up and all of them spun around with noodles hanging in their mouth; they looked at me in shock, "Erm, lao shi," I looked at Ice after that instead; she pursed her lips at me again.

Did I really annoyed her that much?

"Go back," She said them and they looked at her; okay, I'm getting ignore again, "But jie," She smiled at them, "It's okay, I will talk to him." That just got my blood boiled up; will she?

"Will you?" And what I think ended up coming out from my mouth; I stared at her as they looked at us, doesn't dare to make a noise anymore, "Will you really talk to me?" I asked again and she took in a breath before removing her eyes from me, "You guys go back inside," She walked pass them and came to me; I'm not expecting anything but she just grabbed my collar which I'm shock as she pulled me with her.

We came to another side of the studio as she basically shoved me into the alley before checking if there's anyone and came back in; jesus, did she really did that to me?

I hold on to the wall before standing up properly, "Talk now, if you want." She said in a cold tone as she make sure to keep a distance with me; aish, I'm feeling very exhausted, "Are you still going to ignore me?" I asked and we stared at each other; all she know is just stare instead of answering.

Since day one she's like that, until now she didn't even change, after four months.

I get frustrated again as I can't help but burst out in anger, "CAN YOU JUST SAY YES OR NO!? DON'T JUST STARE EVERY TIME I ASK YOU SOMETHING!"

"YES, OKAY? YES! I'M IGNORING YOU!" She straight away shouted back at me, "is that enough now!" She asked and I snorted, "Okay, then why did you even drag me here? You can just ignore!" I exclaimed, "Just think that I'm invisible, that's what you do best isn't it?" I questioned, "Zhang Yi Xing," for the first time, she called my name; she never did in the past four months, "Stop acting like a kid." I sneered, "Wow, you know my name." she instantly pursed her lips at me.

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