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Xiao Mai shouted excitedly when he saw Ice during break time after she passed me my lunch; yes, we are having Produce idol 101 filming again, "Shhh," She smiled lightly while putting a finger over her lips and he cover his mouth while giggling; she found me staring as she dropped her smile before dragging him away with her.

Man, why she only smile to him? I can't understand though.


Is more than three months now and she never even smile back to me nor to manager, how can she change suddenly when it comes to Xiao Mai?

"Ge," Aish; I unintentionally hissed in annoyed as I got startled when I feel someone hitting me, "Ge! I have been calling you for three times!" I snapped my head to aside to look at Jackson and he's showing me a confused face, "You are always like that when you are here, ge! Do you know that?"

I was lost for a moment; he pursed his lips in annoyed before pulling me up from my chair and drag me to a corner where people don't pass by a lot, "Ge, are you jealous?"

"WHAT?" I reply almost immediately as he rubbed his forehead, "You are annoyed whenever Xiao Mai goes 'Jie!' the moment he saw Ice and you will be like," He pointed at his face as he frowned, "You are frowning as if you are angry and annoyed. No matter how many times I call you, you wouldn't even notice it." I immediately furrowed my brows at his words.

I-I did...?

"Are you getting interested with Ice?"

I feel a thud in my heart; the sound around us because mute and all I can hear is that sentence from Jackson.

"Ge, it doesn't happen for one or two days but for a month already. Do you know that?" I just stared at him in disbelief; I mean, I'm feeling disbelief with myself, "You like her?" He asked and I widened my eyes as I exclaimed, "NO." He cupped his hands on his waist now while giving me a judging look, "Are you sure?" He questioned and I was lost of words.

He sighed when I said nothing else as he showed a headache look, "What were you thinking just now when you saw them?" I take in a breath before talking, "I'm just wondering why is she smiling to Xiao Mai but not to me and manager whenever she sees him. Is just unfair and weird that she doesn't even say thank you to me when I helped her, I mean, it isn't about something big but a thank you is more than enough? Though without a smile?" I blurted out everything that came to my mind and he crossed his arms over his chest while staring at me for good few minutes, "What?" Why isn't he talking now?

"Did you even realise what you just told me?"

He question again; I unintentionally swallow a little, "I just said that I don't know why isn't she smiling to other people but only Xiao Mai." He sighed again, "Ge, that's the thing," He dropped his hands down as he held on to my shoulder, "If you are not interested in her, why do you even care if she smile or not? Just let her be."

It take me some time to digest what he had just said, "But you are even thinking why isn't she smiling to you. That's the problem now. You like her." What? No; I can't be liking someone like her, "I don't," He shoved his hand at me instantly,  "Don't lie. I'm sure this isn't the first time you like someone." I wanted to defend myself but at that moment, I found that I have nothing to retort.

I can't find an exact reason to say no.

"Ge," He shakes my shoulder lightly now as I'm in totally shock; oh man, my mind is a mess now, "Why did you like her? I thought you would like someone with long hair? Who are more girly?" I stared at him in blank, "I don't know," I muttered, "Did I like her?" I question back at him and he gave me a disbelief look, "How would I know!" He groaned at me, "Go check it yourself." He said, "But how?" I scratched my face in confused, "How would I know? Think yourself, ge!" He just patted my shoulder swiftly before leaving, back to his seat to eat his lunch.

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