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I clapped my hand as I said while frowning, "You need to know where's your balance. It doesn't look good now."

I'm in the dance studio of Produce idol 100 as we are preparing a performance which the trainees are collaborating with the judges.

I'm one of them.

We are performing my song 'Lose control' which was released on 2016.

The concept of this song is to be sexy and cool but I can't see both in them now, "Again," I motion the crew to play the music again and they start dancing for the chorus part.

I glanced at Ice who are just watching us practicing; okay, I know you are wondering why is she here.

Since everyone know she's my girlfriend, I don't think it would be a problem if she's here so I brought her with me.

Plus, I'm really afraid that she will run away suddenly; providing the fact that she once asked me what if she left me.

"Okay," I snapped my fingers in satisfied this time when they look better now, "Try to imagine more. You guys need to be more sexy." I said and told them a few things that they need to take note, "Kai Lun, you need to come closer," I'm speechless too when they are afraid of coming closer to me; why are they so afraid?

I adjusted the brim of my cap before motioning the crew to play the music again but Ice suddenly came to me and pulled my cap off; what the?

I looked at her in dumbfounded, "They are scare because you look fierce when they can't see your eyes." She stated while pointing at them; she wore my cap instead and show a hand to me after that, "What?" She glanced at them, "Are you guys hungry?" Some of them hesitantly nodded their head as I saw it from the mirror; she looked back at me and give me a shrug.

Aishh, this girl; I fished for my card and hand it to her, "He's not scary at all, don't be afraid." She whisper to them and giggle, "Aishh." I hissed in defeat when she stuck out her tongue at me before kissing my cheeks swiftly and ran out from the room, "I'm gonna buy food for everyone!" With that, she slammed the door shut.

I scratched my forehead in embarrassed when they are silently laughing at me; gezzz, she always makes me look like an idiot for God's sake.

"Okay, okay!" I awkwardly cleared my throat and they covered their mouth to hide their smile, "Start again." I make a circle with my hand and we are back to the practice.

It took her so long to come back; she literally carry almost 15 boxes of pizza that was pilled way above her height and I choked out in shock and absurdly stopped dancing.

We all look at her in disbelief, "Help me though, idiot!" She hissed in annoyed and I quickly went over; the trainees came to help too, "Why did you buy so many?" I asked as she's picking up 10 boxes in her arms again, "Many of them are still practicing next door." And she went out again.


I shook my head and handed the boys the food as well as to the crew here with us; she came back in a minute and plopped down beside me when we are eating, "How much is everything?" I simply asked when she stuff my card back to my pocket, "RMB30 for one regular pizza and there's total 15 boxes but additional cheese of RMB10 for 8 boxes so if you calculate it will be-----" I straight away shoved a pizza to her mouth to stop her from talking; man, maths makes my head ache, "Why did you even ask when you can't calculate?" She hissed in annoyed as she hold the pizza but smacked my head; dude, that hurts!

I rubbed my head furiously while scrunching up my face; I heard them laughing when she glared at me, "Okay, I shouldn't have ask." I said in defeat and she rolled her eyes, "You both are cute, lao shi." They commented and she gave them a meh face which I did the same, "She hit me and you still say we are cute?" I asked and they shrugged, "The chemistry between you both isn't what we can achieve." Xiang Lin said and she gave me a long fave when I look at her; I have the urge to slap the brim of my cap that she's wearing and I did.

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