Just swinging

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Jack and I dashed up the stairs on to deck. Men were screaming at each other,shooting canyons and what not.

"Let go then" Jack said walking the opposite direction from where the other ship was.

"Jack,wrong way!"I yelled,pointing my hand to the right.

"Oh right,..I knew that". Jack and I started walking passed all of the disgusting,old dirty pirates.


Men yelled as canyons shot back and forth,people whipping swords around shooting random people.This is madness,all for one madallion.

"See ya!"Jack called over his shoulder slipping pass people."Jack!!"I screamed running up to catch up to him.

"You got out,bloody bastard" Someone screamed,swingingg their sword at me.

"You can poke someone's eye out with that" I pointed out,speed walking in the other direction.


a bullet flew before my eyes. I panicked and started screaming like a maniac.Oh great now I being chased by a angry lunitick and scrony pirate with a gun.

"Ahhhhhhhh"I started running towards the end of the ship,trying to push through the sweaty bodies.

"Move.Excuse me.Pardon me" I said slipping between people.Trying not to touch them,I hate people.

"Where do you think ya going luv?" I then was grabed by my ankle and was pulled down.Slamming my self on the cold wet ground.I groaned in pain,"Hopefully off this ship" I answered. I peaked down towards my ankle to see the same angry guy before.

I kicked him the face standing up looking for an escape route to the ship.Smoke filled the air blocking my clear view.Someone scream echoed in my ear as a guy leaned himself on me, I then realized it was a dead bloody body"get off of me I grunted"pushing him off of me.

Where's Jack?

Men started pouring over to the other ship,taking over,the sails were ruin,I knew that that ship was gonna end up in Davie Jones Locker in a few minutes,being taken down,draging all of it's men with it.


A flash came through my head,a sudden feeling took over me... I then pushed down anyone in standing in my way.I had to get to the other ship,I need to see Robbie.I couldn't let him drown and I couldn't let him be harmd by Barbossa.My poor Robbie....I started panicking...

Oh,thats where Jack is,he was waiting for a rope to be swung over to him.

Lucky for him a rope did swing over to him."Thanks very much" He said while gripping on to the rope that was 'handed' to him the swing the other ship.

"Nope,I gonna win the game,I need to see Robbie!!"I yelled sprinting over to him.

I gripped his ankle tightly as we swung into the air.


Jack and I were both screaming as we swung back and forth between the two ships.Jack tried shaking me off of him."Let go!!"

"Noooooo" I yelled back,hanging on for my life.As we swung back I knocked someone off the ship."Sworry" I called back.

"Watever,soot your self" Jack grunted, swing his leg forward making me loose my grip,I flipped in the air screamming and land on a soft cushion on the deck. What?

I opened my eyes to see what was under me.

"Robbie?" I asked starring into his deep green eyes.

"Oh me god,Scarlett your ok" He smiled and started laughing in joy as he brought me into a hug pulling us both in sitting position.Me sitting on his lap.

He is hugging me?

I froze for a moment trying to take everything in till I suddenly gave in, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

My head tucked in the crook of his neck,while his arms snaked around my waist.I heard him whimper, "God I missed you" he whispered.Sending chilled down my whole body.He gave me a tight squeeze before realeasing his grip a tiny bit.

"What did you say?" I asked amazed ,maybe he would say it one more time....

"Nothing" He said quickly,his face was turning red.Was he blushing?,he looked so cute,gentle and soft.

There it is again!!

that weird feeling like butterflies swarmming in my stomach.I brought my hand up to his face.Pausing for a moment,then started playing with his brunette bangs that rested on his sweaty forehead while staring into his turquoise eyes. I then lightly drifted my hand down his face,over his eyebrow,down to his cheek as he closed his eyes tilting his head back.Giving out a shacky breath,and soft moan.My other hand then moved slowly from around his neck down to his chest.

He was so interesting,my eyes scanned his face.Taking in every single feature of his face,till my eyes stopped at his plup pink lips.So kissable,I moved my thumb over his lip,making him open his mouth a little giving out a heavy breath,all I wanted to do was pull him close and connect my lips to his.


I snaped my head to the right to see a puzzled Gibbs.Robbie's eyes snapped open looking towards Gibbs. Robbie and I quickly untangled our selves moving away from each other to keep distance.

"Gibbs!!" I yelled happily. I Ran over to him and patted his head.

"Ha Jack I won!!!!! another victory for Scarlet Sara Jennette Kayla Christophor Smith Sparrow" I yelled at the top of my lungs.I felt like a boss,"Oh yeah her Gibbs...." I grabed the canteen out of my belt and threw it at Gibbs.

"It's bloody empty". I stated looking around me,I then notice that little monkey with the madallion.

"Monkey!!!" I screeched.

Dashing directly at the monkey,it climped onto the broken sail that was lying between the two ships connecting them.I was about to climb on top of it when Jack pounced on me knocking me over.

"Im getting it!!!!" He yelled and started climbing up on the wood log,crawling,"God" I whispered.Pulling myself up to follow Jack.We were both Climbing on the log, whenJack reached out to grabed the monkey's tail it thrn jumped onto someone's sholder.We both looked up to find that one person we were hoping it wasn't...


''Thank you Jack" he said patting the monkey's head.

"Your welcome" Jack responed smiling.

"No,we named the monkey Jack". Jack's smile wiped off his.

"So figure" I snickered.


Another chapter!!!!

A little Robbie+ Scarlett action!

Does Scar hav feelings for Robbie?

What does Gibbs think about Scarlett and Robbie?


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