Very lucky

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I groaned cuddling closer to the figure next to me."Angel,wake up" a soothing voice said,shaking me gently.

"Nooo" I whined turning the other way.I felt the sand shuffle around me,as a arm scooped me, pulling me closer to to their body.

"No,not good,stop! not good" I heard in the distance.


"Shut up"

I screamed, annoyed."Shhhhhhh,just ignore them" the person holding me said against my hair in a very sexy mornin voice.


smoke swirled around me filling my nostrils.I sat up,along with the person holding me.I turned my head,looking at the dirty cute boy infront of me.

"Robbie?" I questioned,looking slightly confused...then it all hit me,Barbossa,Robbie drowning,my mental breakdown,Robbie telling me he love me.A smile reached my face,as I clunged on to him."I love you Robbie so fuckind much" I said.I felt his strong arms wrap around me.He took a deep sigh "I love you more,Angel". That name,'Angel' makes my stomach fill with butterflies,why does he do this to me?

"You burn all the food,the shade.... the rum".I heard Jack yell at Elizabeth.

"Yes,the rum is gone" she stated.

"What" I mummbled,pullling Robbie out of my brace,standing up and running over to Jack and Elizabeth."Why is the rum gone" I asked,I was so devestated.

She walked over,towering me because she was taller.

"One because it is a viral drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels.Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high,the entire Royal navy is out looking for me.Do you really think there is even the slightest chance they won't even see it".

"But why is the rum gone?" Jack and I screamed in union.She turned around and sat on the sand.Really,she is just going to sit there,she burned our rum."Just wait Sparrows,give it one hour maybe two keep a wheather eye open and you will see white sails on that horizon".

I started charging over to her,dammit this girl,Im gonna beat her bloody ass off.I started walking over to her raising my fist high.Robbie then ran from behind griping my wrist and pulling them down."Angel,...please don't" he said so only I could here.I glared at him before stomping off.As Robbie trailed behind me.

As I got closer to the edge of the island I stop and took sight of what lied before me.White....sails the navy ship. "Bloody hell" I screamed.Robbie finally reached up to me,looking out to the sea to see the Dauntless.

"Thats not good".

"No,shit" I responded.



The royal navy brought us on the Daughtless and bounded our hands together.Except for Elizabeth,I was freaking out I don't understand how Scar looked so calm.They could take us back to Port Royal and we would be hunged.Jack and Scar walked around the ship having short conversations here and there.I just stayed close to Scar.I know,I sound like a girl.

"We have to save Will" Elizabeth complained chasing after her father."No,your safe now.We will return to Port Royal imediently..." he explained.I just trailed off looking around me,till my eyes set on her,my angel I walked closer to her to notice that she was rolling her eyes.She was eavesdropping on Elizabeth and her father's conversation."She is such a dirty bloody wimpy bitch" She mutter under her breath nudging Jack.He just smirked,I walked up to her,"Your so rude..thats sexy" I said lifting my eyebrow giving her a slight smirk.She realized that I heard her insult Elizabeth and looked the other way,letting her dark locks drap over her face so I couldn't see her blushing.

Jack had then inturupted Elizabeth and her father's coversation,I didn't listen at all I could care less.Scar then walked away from me and over to Jack smirking over what he had said.Being the lost puppy I trailed behind her grabbing a hold of her shirt.I stood there behind Scar, fiddling the soft blue fabric between my fingures,while inhalling the sent of her hair.

Norington then looked towards Scar and I, his eyes trailed down until his eyes locked on my figure playing with Scar's shirt.He looked confused for a momment,but snapped, and looked over at Jack.

"My remembering,I serve others not only my self,Mr.Sparrow".He started walking away as Elizabeth followed,Commodore I beg you please do this...for a wedding gift" Elizabeth said.Norington looked back at her in shock,"A wedding"I muttered.Scar then looked at me.I hope I could marry Scarlett.We could strart a family,sail the seas and never be apart from eachother.That would be amazing.

"Elizabeth,are you excepting the commodore's proposal?" her farther ask.She took a momment,but then responded "I am".

"Hesitated" Scarlett whispered in a sing-song voice.Jack then elbowed her in the gut,she grunted."A wedding, I love weddings!" Jack stated smiling at Scar."Drinks all around" they both screamed in excitment.I chuckled,ohh Scarlett.

Norington then sighed

"Mr.Sparrow and Ms.Sparrow you will accompany theese fine men to the helm and provide the bearing to Isla de Muerta.You both will then spend the rest of the voage contemplating all the possible meanings of the phrase 'silent as the grave' .Do I make my self clear?"

"Very clear". Scarlett responded as they grapped her and Jack and dragged them to the helm."Now boy,who are you?" He asked walking towards me.I was about to answer when Elizabeth walked inbetween us holding her hand agaist his chest.He is a lost boy who was kidnapped by the pirates.He is from Port Royal". Norington stared intently at me,"Well then you can accompany Ms.Swan into my cabin,until we reach Port Royal.Where you can be reunited with your family".

If only he knew I was from Tortuga and was in love with Scarlett Sparrow........Soon to be Mrs.Robbie Kay. I smirked at that thought as men dragged us in to the cabin and chopped off the ropes that bounded my hands.Before I was shoved into the little room,I looked up towards the helm to see Scarlett looking down at us.Im sure she heard the conversation.

She blew me a kiss.I smiled like a fool and pretended to catch the kiss,I brought to my lips before mouthing "I love you".

The men closed the door behind me and Elizabeth.Elizabeth sighed and sat on the bed,patting a spot next to her.I willingly sat down. Elizabeth told me everything about her and Will and about the madallion and curse.Once she was finish she looked over to me.

"So,Robbie tell me about your self?" she asked.I told her everything for where I grew up to, how I got on Jack's crew, how I met my angel.After my life story she smiled in return."Thats very sweet you have found your true love,at least you both will die together in eachothers arms".

I smiled at the thought.

I am lucky,I will always be with my angel.


Doing a double update!!!!!

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