Clash of the swords

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Jack and I observed each peice of treasure, determining which one was the most prettiest.

"Hmmm" Jack hummed,looking at his golden monkey.Barbossa was sitting on a pile of treasure,while his miscreant held Will captive.Anothor miscreant was skipping little pebbles into te water.I rolled my eyes, what a child.

"I have to admit.." My gazed snapped over to Barbossa,Jack ignored him and look at more treasures.Barbossa continued,"I thought I had you both figured,turns out you Sparrows are hard people to predict".

Jack looked over at him,"Me I dishonest"

I started walking up "And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest.Honestly"I said.

I looked towards Jack as he made his way,"It's the honest ones you want to watch out for,because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly....stupid".

I ran over and kicked the guy throwing pebbles in the water,knocking him into the water,before he fell I grabbed his sword,spinning around throwing it to Will.

Will catch it, and elbowed the miscreatent.I took out my sword running after Will,as Jack lunged at Barbossa.

I hopped over rocks,careful not to fall into the water.

"Hello gurly" I spun around,face to face with a raggy pirate.


He lunged at me,aiming for my chest.Quickly I blocked it,our swords clashed together,causing loud echos through the cave.I whipped my sword at him,scarring his hand.He dropped his sword.

"Hello gurly" I mocked him,before trying to stab him.He spun around and ran off.

I raced over to Jack and Barbossa.From behind, I slashed my sword at Barbossa,cutting off a piece of his large feather attached to his hat.

"Ha ha ha" I smirked,Barbossa voice roared terrifying Jack and I.We both ran in the opposite direction. I ran over the Will punching a guy in the face.

"Scar!" Will screamed,I turned around seeing a man charging at me, I bended over.The man rolled over my back collasping on the rock cold ground.

"Oooo that got to hurt".

Men circled around Will and I." This is fair, it's five against one" I told Will annoyed.

Will breathing was heavy we sighed before blocking another man's sword,I kicked the man in the crotch.Making him groan in pain.



Elizabeth and I arrived in the cave.We made our way further into the cave.Jack and Barbossa were sword fighting chasing each other through the cave.

I felt a heavy weight on my back.Someone jumped on me from behind,I flipped the small scronny person over me dropping him on the ground.Taking out my sword,pointing it at the man's hidden face.His hat cover his eyes letting me only have small glimps of his face.I could only see his smug smile.

He stood up fast,never lifting his head.Before colliding my sword with his,I kept taking steps forward.Blocking his attacks,he was good,fast and quick.

I cornered him into the wall,pointing my sword at his throat.We paused for a momment,breathing heavily."Show your face?" I demanded.

He crossed his sword with mine taking large steps closer to me.Leaning forward,"who do you think I am?"

His voice sounded soothing and angelic ,god.The voice sounded so familiar.I reconized it, her voice, the voice that made me me weaken at the knees.

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