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Hi, my name is Aidan Creed and by law I've been forced into writing our memoirs. I don't know wether to be grateful or not that they chose me because there reasoning was that I talk the most so it would be a good use of my 'talent' as they called it. You might be wondering who 'they' are. Well, I guess I'll tell you, since it will make the story I'm about to tell you make more sense. We are a pack living in Rwanda, a small country in the heart of Africa. What kind of pack, you ask? A werewolf pack, of course. We've all come from various places, called by our alpha for an unknown reason. 

Our pack consists of 11 people, most originating from Rwanda but most of us left at a young age. Our alpha is Bruce Young, He is a senior and is very athletic. He's pretty cool I guess, but he can be a real dick sometimes, although it's needed for some dicks in our pack. I like him because he stands up for me when all the others gang up on me even though I can take them all down real quick. His unique ability, something we all possess is that he can take people's pain away by just touching them. 

Next in line in the hierarchy for power in the pack is Cecile Harris. She's kind of our mother figure, if your mother was super hot and in high school. Her unique ability is that she can see the future, which helps us in knowing our next attacks. 

After her comes Benjamin Clark, our tech guy. Smart as hell and good in a fight, Ben trains us along with Bruce and makes cool gadgets for us to use in a fight. His unique ability is that he can make the coolest gadgets and weapons, with his mind. 

His close friend Matthew Walker, a.k.a pretty boy, is the next member. He basically gets all the girls and leaves none for us, especially when he knows we like them. The thing is, he doesn't even like them. He plays them and then leaves them in the dirt, heartbroken and having trust issues when it comes to guys, which sucks a lot for the rest of us. His unique ability is that he's really fast. The rest of us are inhumanly fast, but for him, it's on a whole other level. 

His sister, Stephanie Walker, is also in the pack, and although she talks all the time, I get the award for most talkative. Her unique ability is that she can shape shift. The next girl, our model, Abigail Harris, Cecile's sister. has a special ability that is pretty unique when it comes to fights. She can control people's minds, which is awesome but scary at the same time. The thing is that her victims don't remember anything after she's controlled them. I wonder how many times she's done it on me. 

Next is Cody Brooks, the rich boy and the heir of Brooks industries, which was created by his great-grandfather and had been in his family for 3 generations already. He's a good-looking guy who is from a very rich family, one of the richest in Rwanda. He supplies us with the money for us to make our gadgets and other accessories. His special ability is that he can teleport at will, which came in really handy in battles, especially our retreats.

 Kiara Hall a.k.a bebe, is our next member. I don't know what gene pool she comes from, but she has her assets in the right places, if you know what I mean. Her unique ability is that she can fly. Well, let me not give her that much credit because she's learning how to do it, but as of now, she's barely levitating really. 

Then came our lone wolf, Abdul Ross. He's quiet and keeps to himself most of the time, but when it comes to a fight, he's awesome. His unique ability is that he is super strong, stronger than the rest of us, which is really handy for fights. 

Next are my sisters and I. My unique ability is that I can turn my emotions on and off and my sister, Hannah, hasn't got hers yet, she's still too young for it her werewolf part to manifest. Now that you've all been introduced to our little family, let the story begin.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now