Chapter 5

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Well, now you've been all caught up to the present. Nothing much happened from then to now, except we did get new recruits for the pack. Wolves from all over the world heard about us and wanted to join our pack and so we could be the biggest, baddest, werewolf pack in the world. Of course, In order to do that, we would have to beat the clones, because they kind of hold that trophy, only for now though.

Anyways, our new members consisted of a boy named Brady Thomas, senior in high school, very small wolf, and my cousin. Did I forget to mention he was gay? Yeah, that was partly why we let him in, if we didn't the high council would see this as an act of discrimination against homosexuals and then they would report us to the council of high wolves and that wouldn't end well. I think Brady knew that, and was using it to his advantage. That sneaky little bastard. I don't think he should be even counted as a wolf, he's more of a fox, acts all cute and cuddly, but I see who he really is. I'm gonna keep my eye on him, no homo in anyway shape or form. The other recruits were this very large female wolf, who went by Judy Powell. She was very ugly, like repulsive, like she had been in a terrible accident as a child. She says she became like that when she killed her previous alpha and became alpha herself. I don't trust her either. Like how do you just decide to give up being an alpha just to join our pack? I didn't criticize her much because along with her came one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen in my life. Like she was truly gorgeous, like a model gorgeous. At first Bruce refused for her to join our pack, mainly because she wasn't technically a werewolf, although I feel there were other reasons for why he didn't let her in. She was a witch, who had the special ability that is very rare amongst witches, which was the power to draw from the enemy's strength and give it to her allies. Bruce thought of this as a major game changer for them, and plus if he didn't let her in, Judy would leave too. I was completely fine with that, but Bruce wasn't because then he wouldn't get her alpha powers and become even stronger. So they both joined our pack and now we are 14. Yeah, the big 1 4.

For some weeks after, I decided I would make a move for Vanessa, our new witch. She was actually a very cool person, I thought she was gonna be bratty because she was beautiful, but she was very down the earth, loved art, and was very good at it. The only problem with me flirting with her was her lapdog, Judy. She always found a way to mess with our conversations that were going good. The worst thing, is that Vanessa didn't notice that she was intervening, she just found it funny at how frustrated I was at Judy. For instance, one day during prep time, yes, boarding schools have those, I found Vanessa in the art room, thanks to some guys from boarding who knew I was trying to get her, and we talked for almost two hours, I watched her paint, which was amazing by itself, I helped her wash the paint brushes and other utensils that had been used during the day by art students. Then, at the climax of our conversation, Judy walked in. She first walked around the room, and then stood right between Vanessa and I, and started talking to her. Like, are you serious right now?? Can't you see I'm talking to her?? Of course I couldn't say this out loud because she was a very scary girl and I wasn't about to mess with her. Finally, after 10 minutes, she left and our conversation resumed. Unluckily for me, she left a few minutes before it was time to go back to the houses, so our conversation didn't go much further.

"Same time next week?" I asked as I left

"Oh yeah. You better not forget." She replied, smiling.

"Would I ever?" I asked, closing the door behind me. Man she was perfect.

The following day, was Wednesday, and in the boarding of that school, we had these activities every Wednesday because it was half day up at day school. The Heads of boarding picked the teams and we had competitions and the team with the most point won. But we also go individual points for how we performed as a person, and at the end of the term, the 3 people with the most points won and got to be taken out for dinner. This Wednesday night activity was basketball. Sadly, I wasn't put on Vanessa's team, but that was okay, we were gonna meet during at least one of the games. My team got third place, I think, which was okay, because only two of us were from the pack, meanwhile, some teams had twice as many players from the pack, except for Ben's and Abdul's teams. Which were surprisingly first and last. Ben's team won because he was on first team for the basketball team at school and Abdul's team got last because he doesn't know a single rule of basketball and he sucks at it majorly.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now