Chapter 3

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The following day, there was a knock on my door, and for a brief second I thought about ignoring it and continuing with my denial of a life awaiting me on the other side of the door. Reluctantly, I got up and opened the door to my mother, who had a smile full of pity as she realized what was gonna happen that day.

"Are you ready, it's time to go." She said.

"Yeah, all set." I said, putting on my world famous everything is okay smile. I picked up my suitcase and followed her outside to the waiting car.

The car ride was very silent, and since my mother prohibited earphones in the car, it was getting very boring and awkward. I proceeded to turning on the radio just to hear an old song that was my father's favorite, according to my mom. Without thinking twice, I switched off the radio and noticed that my mom's rambling of comfort as she took us to our first boarding school stopped.

As we entered the gates and drove passed the dining hall of my old school before the states and towards the two new buildings that represented our new home, I realized that what I was doing was necessary for my mother's survival, and more importantly, my own. Now, you can call me selfish, sociopathic, or whatever you would like, because whatever word you come up with is probably a correct diagnosis of what I am.

I got out of the car without saying a word to my mom as she waved her goodbye. After I got my suitcase, I gave her a hug and a kiss and waved as she drove away. I felt tears fall down my cheek as she disappeared down the road because I realized that this might have been the last time I saw her. After a couple of minutes, I wiped my tears away, pulled out my earphones, and turned off my emotions. I grabbed my suitcase and walked down the stairs that led to my new home. My sister and I reached an intersection and I went left while she went right. Before she could go, I couldn't help but make one more smart mouthed remark.

"You just can't help but follow me everywhere, can you?" She rolled her eyes and continue walking as she was greeted by the others girls in our pack who had already made it. I turned towards my building and saw no one there to greet me.

"What, no welcoming committee." I said to myself as I walked into the house to find it empty except for an overexcited large white man obviously waiting to make his over rehearsed welcome speech.

"Welcome to Maplewood Heights! We are very excited to have you stay with us and I'm hoping you're excited to stay with us. To make you feel more welcomed into our humble abode there is fruit and water for you on your right into the living room and right next to it, you can look at the board which indicates who you will be rooming with and what room you'll be in."

"Thank you Gov'ner." I said, smiling as I attempted and perfected his accent.

"Did you live in Australia before here as well?" He asked, getting more and more excited.

"No, chap, I was just imitating you." I replied, staying in the same accent.

His smile immediately went away as he realized I was making fun of him and his culture.

"Not amusing." He said, his brow furrowing as his anger rose.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the board, which indicated that my room was 206, and my roommate, a guy in my grade called Abdul Ross.

"Wow, sounds like a white muslim." I said to myself as I grabbed my suitcase once again and made my way up the stairs into my room. Abdul wasn't there yet so I had pick over which bed I would take. I chose the bottom one so that if we were ever in attack, I would recover faster than my roommate and maybe make it out of the room unharmed as he fought the opponent. As I was making my bed, I heard the door open behind me to see Bruce, our beloved leader, walk into the room.

"Glad to see that you won't make a habit in being late to places." He said, a smile on his face.

"Glad to see that you have a sense of humor, oh wait, you don't." I replied, a replica of his smile on my face.

"Listen, you don't have to be here. You don't have to be part of this pack. You can leave. But I'm not gonna accept your rudeness and your inconsideration for others feelings. I am your alpha and what I say goes, so I command you to stop your sarcasm towards me and the other members of this pack for peace to be there." Bruce said, getting louder as he neared to the end of his speech.

"First of all, your highness, I'm here to stay, you're welcome by the way, and I'm only doing this for my mother. Second, I could give two shits if you're my alpha, as long as I have my little gift you can't boss me to do anything. Sorry if that disappoints you, but you should have thought of that before invited me into your mighty brigade of misfits." I said, walking right up to me until my eyes were looking right at his nose, in which I glanced up so we made eye contact.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to finish arranging my room because I'll be here for a while." I said, showing him the door.

He stared at me for a couple of seconds before realizing that intimidating me wasn't gonna work, and walked out of my new room. I finished making my bed and unpacked my suitcase, which surprisingly didn't have a lot of clothes, seeing as how I wasn't going for about two months. By the time I was done with that, Abdul had joined me. I recognized him from the meetings and the training sessions. I had never payed attention to him before, I just knew that he was stronger than all of us, which was interesting because I had pinned him as the omega, a.k.a the weakest. We made some small talk and I learned that he was from Zambia, unlike the rest of us who were from Rwanda.

At first, I was especially confused at how he was part of our pack when he had no Rwandan blood. That was something I would use in the future when defying Bruce for sure.

We went downstairs after being fully unpacked for our first meeting. We made our introductions and some dumb games, probably from Australia. Once we were introduced, we said our goodnights and went to bed before we started our new adventure at this new school.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now