Chapter 15

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I saw an open door and I walked through it. It was an apartment of some sort. Who the fuck builds apartments in a castle. There was a bottle of wine with two glasses on a table in the living room and clothes everywhere. Ooh, someone had a fun night. I find the door to the bedroom, knowing I'm not gonna find Hannah here, but filled with curiosity as to who would have such wild sex. The door was opened and I looked inside. I immediately cursed my curiosity as I gasped, shocked to see Raven and Cody lying next to each other, completely naked.

"Oh my god, Aidan!" Raven yelled, instinctively covering herself with the bed sheets. Cody looked in my direction with a smirk on his face. My heart ached and I don't know why. She had betrayed me, why did I still have feelings for her. I felt a bulge in my throat and I knew that if I said anything, the tears would flow freely as the dam stopping them would have erupted. I couldn't have this distraction right now, I had to find Hannah. I would deal with her later. I took a deep breath, held it, counted to 10 and switched off my emotions.

"Aidan, I'm so sorry." I heard her say.

"Oh, I didn't know we were keeping this charade up." I said,

"Well, in that case, 'how could you? I loved you, I gave you everything'" I said sarcastically.

"Yo bro, I didn't know man. If I knew I wouldn't have." Cody said.

"We both know that's not true." I said, turning around and walking out. I turned around at the last second and said,

"Don't let my interruption stop anything. Keep on fucking."

Now that that's over with, I still need to find my sister, but where could she be. My father wouldn't keep her in the dungeons, he cares for her. So maybe she has her own apartment. The question is where? Obviously somewhere close to the king, I would assume, right? I ran back into Raven's room and saw them sitting on opposite sides of the bed. I chuckled inwardly at how awkward I made it for them.

"You wouldn't mind pointing me towards the kings chambers, would you?" I asked her. She looked at me with a look like you must be kidding me.

"Why the fuck would I do that?" She said,

"Matter fact, I should probably go warn him that you're in the castle."

"I mean, it's the least you could do, after, you know, breaking my heart and shit." I said, looking right into her cold blue eyes. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds and then she looked down, submitting. Ha, the guilt was too much. I win.

"The entire East wing on the castle are his personal chambers." She said. I have her a wink of gratitude and I was off.

You all might remember from the last time I was here that I had no clue where anything was in this castle. What the fuck is the East wing? Like do I take a left, right? What is East even? Who gives directions saying that? Hot psychotic bitches do, that's who. I reached the end of the hallway, and I kid you not, the Lord answered my prayers. Right in front of me, with their backs turned to me, were Hannah and my father. Hannah had straightened her curly hair and was wearing a long golden ball gown. My father was in his regular jeans, shirt and vest attire. I ducked into one of the rooms before they could see me. I could not blow this. My options are, one, to follow and find out where Hannah's room is. Two, to attack a fully grown hybrid alpha. Three, to grab Hannah and make a run for it. Now, so many things could go wrong here, but there's always danger in fun right? But I can't risk my life, I made a promise to Stephanie. Now, all you guys, don't start getting ideas, Stephanie is a friend. A really good friend. No matter what dreams I have, she will never be anything more.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now