Chapter 14

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I moved to attack but the guy dug his claws into my sister. She winced with pain as a trail of blood escaped her neck. Every fiber of my body was filled with rage. I couldn't do anything to help my little sister.

"Smart boy." My father said as I stopped moving forward. I looked at Raven and I saw pity in her eyes, which quickly turned back to an emotionless face. I looked back and forth from my father to Raven.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I asked, my voice cracking as I desperately tried to keep my tears from falling. Hannah stood there, tears falling down her face as she finally realized who the man was. That he was our father. She was 2 when he left so she could barely remember him, but when I saw the look on her face as she figured it out, my heart shattered to many pieces. I looked around and everyone had changed and was waiting for my command. Everyone but Cody. He was frozen, looking at the man who was holding Hannah. Raven saw the same thing and the look of pity came back into her eyes.

"We should probably go now." My father said, breaking the silence,

"If you don't want your sister dead, you won't follow us."

At the last second, Raven reached out and grabbed Cody and they disappeared. I ran to the spot where they were at and sank to my knees, knowing it was hopeless. I buried my face in my arms and sobbed. Why her? Why Hannah? Why ruin the innocence that she had?

"Why?!?!" I yelled this last one out.


Party crashing isn't as fun as it seems.

Well, technically, I didn't crash, Aidan invited me. The idiot, he shouldn't have. According to the looks on their faces, I should have mentioned I'd be accompanied.

Anyway, the plan didn't go as we hoped, and we had to teleport back in mode Speedy Gonzales, bringing with us an extra, unplanned luggage.
To this thought my eyes wander back to the limp body laying on the satin sheets. What's his name again? Brody? Cody? Right, Cody. What kind of stupid name is Cody? But knowing how rich he is, it's probably the shortened version of some bougie ass name like Codivarnacus or something.

To all of you die-hard fangirls, don't worry he's not dead. Though I would prefer it this way, it would make things less complicated.

Why did I bring him back? I don't know. I guess I couldn't bear to see him in such shock. I panicked; I grabbed him and we teleported back with him.

It's an understatement to say that his majesty-lord-of-bad temper was mad at me. He threw one of his royal tantrums and demanded why I had brought him with us. I did what I do best, I lied. I said that he could use as some kind of leverage against the Kigali pack, the king bought it, and here we are.

Am pretty sure Aiden and that bumbling idiot of an Alpha painted me as an evil heartless manipulative bitch. And I assure you, am none of that. At least, not intentionally.
When you're born in a world where your very essence is the stuff of nightmares and stories mothers tell their children to scare them, where your family rejects you and you parents abandon you, it's not very hard to isolate yourself from other people and build a protective shell that I guess comes with an extra free layer of bitchiness.

The only way to survive in my world is to be cold, mean and slightly psychopathic. They're things you do that you wish you could forget, trust me.

When I saw how Cody looked when he saw the clone of his father, like something was broken in him, I couldn't resist it. I reached out and grabbed him at the last moment.
In that millisecond of total darkness during teleportation, I felt him suddenly go limp, his body leaning on me. Had fainted? Or just dropped of exhaustion? Whatever the case as soon as we arrived I ordered the guards to bring him to one of the guest rooms. I just couldn't bear to put him in a cell in his state.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now