Chapter 6

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For the next several weeks, my interest towards Vanessa started to diminish, maybe it was due to her magic and she was making not have feelings for her anymore. Nevertheless, we remained good friends, talked a lot, but there wasn't any other attraction between the two of us. During this time, my feelings for Kiara started resurfacing, although I was the one who broke up with her in the first place. Yes, Kiara and I dated, didn't think it was important, but the others feel that I should write everything, and here I am doing just that. Since I was the one who broke up with her, my pride got in the way and I felt that it would be impossible for me to ask her to take me back, so I kept those feelings down and focused on training and school.

For this extract in the memoirs, I will be retelling some of Bruce's adventures and what he had to go through when we weren't there to help him through it, and what eventually happened when we were there to help him. Why doesn't he write this extract himself, you ask? Well, he's a bit preoccupied with some arrangements that make it extremely difficult for him to be present and write them himself, so I'm here to do it for him. This is gonna be interesting.

The story starts with Bruce, obviously. He had been called by the high council of Wolves to evaluate his effectiveness as the alpha of our new pack. He wasn't allowed to bring any of us, which sucked because I was really wanted to see the members of the high counsel. Where they old and wrinkly and had cobwebs all over them? Or did they drink from like a pool of youth and look like the rest of us? According to legend, it has been the same members since the beginning of lycanthropy. People even say that the chairman for the high council is Lycaon himself. Okay, let's get back to the story before I get carried away.

On the way to wherever the high council holds their meetings, Bruce ran into a warrior who went by the name Kuhnatuslovy Sripituksakul. Kuhn for short.

"And where might you be going?" Kuhn asked him in a deep russian accent.

"Please let me pass and get to where I've been requested to go, stranger." Bruce replied, trying to be as respectful as he could be with his nervousness towards the meeting with the high counsel.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Khun said,

"I've been paid a lot of money to make sure you don't make it to your desired destination."

"Look, I'm gonna warn you just once, you don't wanna mess with me, okay? I am giving you one chance to let you go with your head still intact to your body." Bruce told Khun. How cocky can you get, man?

"I'm also gonna give you one chance to turn around and stop whatever is about to happen between us. I have fought the strongest men to ever walk this earth and I don't come out of a battle without the opponents head on a spike, you understand?" Khun replied. Both of them were cocky, maybe too cocky for their own good.

"You say you've fought men?" Bruce asked.

"Yes. These days I do it in my sleep." Khun replied, smiling egotistical.

"What about half humans." Bruce asked, rolling his shoulders.

"I assume it would be twice as easy as a full human, so in a coma?" Khun replied, laughing to himself,

"Wait, you said half human, what's the other half?"

Bruce looked at his shoes and then back in the eyes of Khun. His eyes were red and he was slowly growing. His fangs and claws came out and he grew to his full height,

"You're about to find out." He said, imitating Khun's russian accent and then lunged at him.

Khun sidestepped the first blow made by Bruce with such ease, Bruce was wondering whether he was a werewolf like him. He stopped thinking and attacked him again. He got a punch in and Khun stumbled backwards. Bruce took this as an opportunity to really hurt him once and for all and be done with him forever. He ran and went in the format of tackling him, but Khun recovered much faster than Bruce had anticipated. He moved to the side and grabbed the collar of Bruce's shirt as he was flying by and threw him the other direction. As soon as Bruce hit the ground, Kuhn was right next to him, kicking him. Bruce rolled on the ground forcefully for 10 meters and finally managed to stand. He started running towards Khun, when Khun suddenly disappeared. He appeared right next to Bruce and tripped him. Bruce hit the ground face first and his nose started bleeding. He got up and wiped his nose and faced Khun again.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now